I was going to have to get creative. Sliding my knees further up the walker's chest, I let go of it's right arm. Grabbing the other boney arm with both hands, I pulled and pulled, trying to rip it off, but it would not budge. Shifting over, I slid my knee right above it's elbow, keeping my other knee planted into it's chest. The walker was still grabbing at me with it's free arm, I was breathing so heavily yet it felt like I was getting no oxygen at all.

I bent it's arm as hard as I could, over and over until I heard the loud cracking of bone being broken off. At this point, I was enraged. I lifted it's severed arm over my head and brought it down onto the walker head, making a loud thwack. The walker still jerked about, growling and snapping it's jaws at me. I grunted as I hit it again. I felt blood splatter onto my face as I delivered blow after blow when the walker kept moving. I began to cry, angry loud sobs, the walker stopped moving but I kept beating it.

It's face was a pile of mush when I finally stopped. I took in a sharp breath and let out a whimper. I was so exhausted. Slowly I got off of the corpses body. Recollected myself and felt determined to find my way back home.

Eventually I saw the walls of Alexandria in the distance and almost cried with joy. After climbing over, I needed to get to my house without being seen, literally covered in blood, sweat and tears. I crept along the walls, and ducked behind bushes, feeling like an idiot. Creeping around, I came across a shed. Not thinking much of it I walked in front of it, hoping to just pass it by. That's when the door swung open.

"Holy shit. You look like hell darlin." I jerked my body around to see Negan standing there, holding various gardening tools. "The fuck happened to you?" He said, staring at me with wide eyes. "Well, there was a walker..." I said sheepishly. "Inside the walls?!" he said while gripping a sharp looking tool. "No, no!" I said trying to stop his train of thought. "I was outside the walls.." "The hell were you doing outside the walls?" there was a bit of anger in his voice. "I don't think I really have to tell you my reasonings for anything, I can do what I want." I said raising my head in defiance. I don't know who he thought he was.

"Well you certainly can do whatever you want and also die while doing it." he said dryly. "I didn't die did I? I beat that ugly thing to death." He chuckled and I felt flutters in my stomach. "You better be careful out there darlin." He said as he walked away, returning to his work. Fuck. I needed to finish my job, there wasn't much time left. First I needed to get home and clean myself up.

I made it through the door without being noticed by anyone, except for Negan, but I didn't expect him to tell anyone. I walked into my bathroom and my jaw almost dropped when I saw my reflection. I really did look like hell. Most of my face was covered in blood, my clothes ruined. My hair was sticking out in every direction. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and scrubbed the blood off my face and arms. I changed my clothes and practically ran out the door to get to the stables before I got into trouble.

1 week later

I hadn't seen Negan since the day I was attacked outside of the walls. I haven't gone out since. I spent the last week doing basically nothing but working and hanging out with Jasmine a few times. It was lunch time and I sat around a table, along with Rosita, Jaime and Magna. Jasmine wasn't here for some reason. They were all chatting while I was daydreaming about the last time I spoke with Negan.

"Y/N?" I looked up and they were all looking at me. "I'm sorry, what is it?" I said a bit embarrassed. "Oh well I'm hosting a party tonight, we were wondering if you were coming." Rosita said, a bit annoyed that she had to repeat herself. "Oh yeah, sure that sounds like a lot of fun, I'll stop by." "Okay great." she smiled at me. 'We think a lot of people will be there." Jaime added. "There's gonna be alcohol." Magna grinned.

Okay great, a big party with lots of people I had to mentally prepare for. Maybe this will be good for me, I tried to convince myself. Once I get some alcohol flowing I'll be fine. I was nervous as the day passed, but now it was time to go home and get ready.

I showered and blow dried my hair, applying makeup and some perfume. What in the hell was I going to wear? I tore through my closet, most of it was just plain shirts and jeans. I was able to find a low cut shirt with long sleeves, and a pair of black leggings that flared at the bottom. This is something one would wear to a party right?

I Grabbed the only necklace that I owned, a little silver moon crescent with little designs etched into it. I looked at my reflection and I felt good. It was nice to dress for something other than barn yard work. The clock now read 5:26, the party would start soon, I didn't really want to be on time, I would wait a bit for others to show up. I passed the time by reading my book "Pride and Prejudice"

It was now almost 7, I groaned as I got up, forcing myself to finally go. I kept telling my self to relax, that this would be fun. I dragged myself out of the door. It was already dark outside, I looked up and the moon was the same crescent shape as my necklace. I touched the necklace and sighed as I thought about my mother, she gave it to me many years ago, way before the fall.

I passed by Jasmine's house, and of course the garden. My eyes scanned the area, no sign of Negan. I wonder what he would think of how I looked tonight compared to last week, covered in gore. I day dreamed about what he would say to me all the way to Rosita's house.

All the lights were on, illuminating all the windows. I could see people inside, holding their drinks, talking, laughing, eating. I took a deep breath as I walked up the short stair case, leading to the front door. I closed my eyes, counted to three and then entered the house.

You're no good for me - Negan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now