A day at the patch of Heaven/Animals age regression part 1

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Junior, Bob, Barry, Maggie, Mrs. Calloway, and Grace are having a great time on their honeymoon.

After their honeymoon, they went back to the Patch of Heaven.

"(Sighs happily) It's so good to be home." Said Barry.

They went back at the farm.

"Hey, guys. How's your honeymoon?" Asked Buck the horse.

"It was great!" Replied Barry.

Alameda Slim snuck in and did one drop of the fountain of youth and he fled and went back to the lair undetected.

"Happy trails, my little babies." Said Alameda Slim.

Maggie saw a trout and read a sign that said, "drink me."

"Hey, guys, you feelin' thirsty?" Asked Maggie.

"Yeah!" Said Mrs. Calloway, Grace, Junior, Barry, and Bob.

They all took a drink from the water and they burped.

Suddenly, they started to look queasy.

"Uh, guys? Are you alright?" Asked Jeb the goat.

They started to get younger, and Mrs. Calloway's hat landed softly on the ground, their horns shrunk and disappeared, and their cowbells became too big for their necks and they fell on the ground. They became baby calves.

"(Groans) What happened? Is everybody okay?" Asked Baby Mrs. Calloway.

"I think so." Replied Baby Grace.

They saw themselves in the reflection of the water and they realized that they turned into a bunch of little babies.

"Whoops." Said Baby Maggie.

Baby Junior the Buffalo laughed and giggled, and sucked his own hoof.

"Oh, no! The water has turned our friends into a bunch of little babies!" Said Buck.

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