"I was going to check with Mason to see if he'd come with us to Columbia for a few days or so," he answered. Nicole forced away the frown.

Norman nodded as he rubbed his hands together. "You know, I'm overdue for a vacay. He's taking off tomorrow, and that's his last vacation day. I still have all of mine."

Ashton raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know sheriffs took vacations."

Norman shrugged with a small smile. "We have to sooner or later. Hey, all work and no play makes Norman a very moody guy." He winked at Nicole and she fought rolling her eyes. She already knew he was obnoxious – he didn't have to prove it.

Ashton's face changed, but Nicole couldn't decipher the look. "Well, okay, I guess."

"When do we leave?" Norman actually looked excited.

"The day after tomorrow," Nicole said quickly. She glanced at Ashton but he didn't look away from Norman. "Mom wants to spend the day with me looking at wedding dresses."

"Well, okay, then." Norman nodded and then his eyes opened wider. "Oh! I forgot – there's one last thing you gotta do for the job Ashton. I had forgotten about it until I began filling out the paperwork. I gotta have you get a complete physical and a drug test."

Ashton's jaw tensed. "You forgot? Really?" He sighed but shrugged when Norman held out his hands to the side and raised his shoulders. "Okay. Let Benson know I'll be there in a few minutes." He turned to Nicole. "I shouldn't be too long."

She forced a smile and gave him a quick kiss. "Okay. I'll just go hang out somewhere."

"You can hang out with me," Norman offered, hands in his pockets. "I was going to lunch, actually."

That was the last thing she wanted. She was about to say, 'not on your life,' when Ashton told him, "I guess she can." She glared at Ashton. He caught it and looked away. "But I'll come find her when I'm done."

Norman smirked at him. "Okay." He looked relaxed, but she could see the tightness in his smirk. She knew that meant he was nervous. Maybe lunch with him wouldn't be too bad.

Ashton gave Nicole a quick kiss. "Be nice," he breathed into her ear, sending shivers through her. "It's only for a little bit." With those words, he walked out the door.

She sighed when she saw him leave, but then turned back to Norman. "He really won't be that long," he offered as he turned and walked back to his desk. "Let me give Benson a heads-up and I'll go." She watched him call and then have a long conversation in a low voice. Finally, he hung up and headed over to her. "Okay, let's go."


It didn't take long for Nicole and Norman to realize they really didn't have anything to say to each other. Or for Nicole to realize that this would probably feel like the longest wait of her life. They got to the diner in silence, waited for their food in silence, and then ate in silence. Norman finally leaned back about halfway through and studied her. She shifted, feeling a little uncomfortable with the way he was looking at her.

"Have you tried beer?" he asked finally.

She'd tried her dad's before, but while she wasn't fond of it, she didn't hate it. "Yeah. It's okay, I guess."

He nodded. "You're 18, right?" She warily nodded. "I'll be right back." He walked up to the bar and while she waited, Nicole took a couple of his fries. She wouldn't order them because she never wanted more than a couple. She figured he wouldn't miss them.

While she was finishing off the local fish she'd ordered, Norman returned with two glasses, one full and the other filled halfway. He sat and slid the half-filled one to Nicole. "But I can't drink," she said, looking at him, curious.

The Sheriff's Son | Harvey #2Where stories live. Discover now