Chapter 4

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Footsteps on concrete was what startled Ashton. He'd been doing push-ups out of boredom, just to see how many he could do before his arms gave out. Surprised, he jumped up. Norman strolled into his view and turned to look at him. Again? Ashton wondered what the guy wanted with him. Surely more than just to reminisce.

"Hello, Ashton," he said, his voice tired. He looked older than he was. "Bet you're wondering why I came back, huh? Well, it's not for your marvelous company. Someone's here to see you." He motioned to someone to come closer.

Ashton's jaw dropped when he saw Tim Gorges. The man had his hands shoved in his pockets. "Hey. I heard you'd been tossed in the clink. Thought I'd come see you." He rubbed his neck, eyes not leaving Ashton.

"Oh. Hey." Ashton walked over to the bars. "Well, I assume you're up to the same old stuff."

He nodded. "Ya. Hey, I saw your girlfriend today. She talked to me." He glanced behind him. "Um, I think you did pretty good." He gave Ashton a grin. "She's fine."

Ashton didn't like the way he was talking about Nicole, but he just smiled. "Thanks. If I get out, I'll be keeping her around for a while." Norman made a sound and Ashton looked at him. He was looking at the door down the hallway.

He noticed Ashton looking so he returned his gaze. "What?"

Ashton pressed his lips together and shook his head. "How's Nicole doing?"

Tim shrugged. "She's good, I guess. Misses you, though. We talked about you, actually."

Ashton's eyes grew larger for a second before he composed himself again. He gave him a smile. "Oh. Doesn't sound very interesting." He forced a small laugh that sounded fake even to him.

Tim smiled. "Well, not really. I had a chat afterwards with Nathan about it." His eyes changed.

Ashton studied his eyes. "Then it must have been something good." Definitely something different. He appeared more aware. "At least, I hope it was good."

Tim suddenly seemed wary. "Ya, pretty good." He tilted his head towards Norman, who now had his attention focused on them. Ashton gave his head a small shake and Tim's expression changed. "Well, I need to get back to the bar. I left my ginger ale sitting there getting warm." He turned and left.

Norman followed him. Alone, Ashton wondered just what Tim was going to tell him. Tim had been going to tell him something, he was sure of it. Before he could think much more about it, Norman came back.

"What?" Ashton asked, not in the mood to have another staring contest.

Norman shrugged. "I don't know. Man, I just keep thinking." He rubbed the back of his neck and kept glancing down the hallway. "You and Nicole were both kind of beat up by him. It's just making me start to question some stuff, is all."

Ashton watched him. He couldn't tell if he was being honest. All he knew was that he didn't trust this guy. "Well, Clive has always been the same. Nothing has changed. I should know. I lived with him for 18 years."

Norman stood there for a minute. Abruptly he walked over, unlocked the door, came in, and closed the door. He sat on the bench and patted the space beside him. Warily, Ashton walked over and sat. Once he was seated, Norman began, "I'm on your side. I want to help. You don't deserve to be in here. That's obvious. Well, to me, at least. I heard what that chick told Clive. Stuff appeared in your place?" He just shook his head and appeared to become frustrated. "That doesn't just happen!"

Ashton watched him for a long moment in silence. "No, it doesn't," he replied slowly. He leaned back against the wall. Norman leaned forward. "What's really up with you?"

The Sheriff's Son | Harvey #2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن