Chapter 3

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Ashton wasn't worried like he knew he probably should have been about Nicole. It wasn't time for her to leave yet. He paced the cell. But then, how would he know when she was supposed to leave? He kept trying to tell himself it wasn't time yet, and that kept him from worrying.

The door opened and footsteps came down to his cell. The door closed. Ashton went over to the bars. Nicole, eyes wide and excited, stood there, grinning at him like a madman. "What's up?" he asked.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a wad of tightly folded paper. "You need to read this."

He took the paper from her and unfolded it. His father's handwriting dominated the pages.

Ashton keeps saying that it's not the tourists but the local people. His reports no longer reflect this, but he doesn't understand. I need to make sure he does, before this gets out of hand. He could use a day or two in a cell to see how it feels. Since things haven't been working so far, he needs a push. He needs to see how it feels to lose everything so he can understand how his plans would affect the people here.

Ashton rubbed his forehead. He already knew this. What was the big deal? He looked up and Nicole was still looking at him with excitement. "Other page," she said.

He nodded and slid the one he'd read behind the other and his eyes grew wider as he read down the page.

Taylor Hebert fought. Took a burn to my left bicep. Hydrochloric acid burns are one of the worst.

Taylor was found on the beach. I wonder if I really did kill her. It makes sense. No autopsy should be done. It's obvious how she died.

Nicole Downs offered to help me. Too good to be true. Ashton's girlfriend offered to put him away. She is suspect in her reasons, but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. If she's truthful, she'll be a greater asset to me than she may think.

Ashton has been up to something. Nicole has broken into my house. I haven't determined where loyalty lies within her, but I'm sure he convinced her to do this. How remains to be determined.

Ashton was put in holding. Tried to force information out of him. He refused to budge. Somehow, I'll have to break him down to get what I need. I think the key lies within Nicole.

Nicole was locked in his cell, also holding.

Tried to break her but she bit my tongue. Benson keeps secrets well, so I had him take a look. I should be fine, but now Nicole is suspicious. Mason may be as well. Ashton has long realized.

Nicole told me she knows I killed Taylor. She has no way to prove this, a hope I'm holding on to.

Ashton has been arrested. I managed to frame him. Norman Bishop gave me the items to plant in his home. Items were then found and delivered by Nicole.

Ashton is set to be sent to Columbia for trial in one week. My plan has worked beyond my hopes. With him out of my way, I can now train Norman to replace me. He shares my goals and values. He would make a perfect replacement. He flew through college, the Academy, and the hiring process. He should be able to handle anything this job throws at him.

Ashton felt anger first. How could his father do this to him? How could his father hurt that child? He couldn't believe this. Then the anger turned his veins to ice. But his father didn't kill her. Someone else did. He looked up at Nicole. She was watching him closely. "What is it?" she asked, concerned.

He shook his head and paced the cell. He reread the paper. Someone else killed her. She was killed by drowning in stagnant water. There was only salt water here. Not even a lake nearby. Just ocean. She'd been held underwater until there was no more life in her. After a complete circuit around the tiny room, he came as close to her as the bars allowed. "He didn't kill her."

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