Chapter 6

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Nicole stepped outside, hair still wet from her shower, and jogged down to the police station. She'd been told by Mason that the federal officer would be coming first thing this morning from Columbia. She wanted to meet him. He said she could if she got there early enough.

Even though she didn't say it, she felt like he was trying to train her to be a cop, herself.

Mason was leaning against his car when she got there, sipping a mug of coffee. "Not here yet," was his greeting.

She nodded and leaned next to him. "When is he supposed to be here?"

He shrugged. "Any time. Clive doesn't know he's coming. Speak of the devil." Clive's car pulled into its slot and Mason nodded at him.

"Morning." Clive nodded at them as he passed, eyes lingering on Nicole. He didn't say anything, but he didn't really need to. She shivered. His eyes weren't welcoming.

Mason didn't move, so Nicole stayed where she was. A few minutes later, a new unmarked police car pulled in and parked near Mason's car. A balding man and a short, heavy woman emerged. They walked up and nodded at Mason. "Are you Mason Spurlock?" the man asked.

"I am."

The man shook Mason's hand. "I'm Special Agent Craig Hadley and this is my partner, Betty Marks. We were sent here to see you. Seems you're having problems with your sheriff?"

Mason nodded, taking another sip. "We got together some evidence for review, and we also have a prisoner that's supposed to be sent up to Columbia in about five days, as per Sheriff Dodd's request. I've personally looked at the evidence, and I don't see the proof to arrest him and send him to trial."

Craig nodded. "Take us to the evidence and we'll review it."

Mason nodded and led them inside. Nicole followed at a distance. Mason held the door for her. She watched Clive. He rose when he saw the special agents. "Can I help you?"

They went through introductions and explained why they were there. Mason tapped Nicole's shoulder and she jumped. "What?" she whispered.

"You can go home now. They're just going to be sitting around reading, talking to people, and then if they decide anything today, I'll call you. They probably won't, though. Go have fun."

She stared at him, annoyed. "Right. Fun." She shook her head. "Well, you know where to find me."


Ashton spoke to the special agents that morning. He paced his cell. He did push-ups until his arms gave out. They were beginning to ache now, but, he thought, it was a good ache. He wished he could take a hot shower to relax the tension out of them, though. Once he couldn't do push-ups, he started on sit-ups. His abs were beginning to ache, too, so he didn't do as many as he had the day before. That was a more sensitive area.

Mason brought him lunch and, after he ate, he kept pacing. About mid-afternoon, he sat on the bench. He hadn't slept since he got there, and he was tired. Exercise just distracted him. It didn't take long for his eyelids to become heavy and the next thing he knew, someone was opening the door to the cell. He stood.

A smiling Mason was standing there. "Your dad is out of a job. He's in the next cell, actually. You're out for now. Charges are dropped, but you're still under suspicion." Mason grinned. "You're free to go."

Ashton grinned. He felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted. In fact, he felt like he could hug Mason. Which he did. Mason politely let him but pushed him away quickly. His thoughts turned to Nicole. "You haven't told Nicole yet, have you?"

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