Chapter 2

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Mason never locked his car. That was one of the things Ashton had made note of. Nicole crept up to it where no one inside would have been able to see her. She was pretty confident when she opened the door and pulled out the lock-picking kit. He'd taken back the tools he'd given her when he found out she broke into Clive's house with them. As quietly as possible, she closed the door and began to make her way back around the side of the building.

About halfway around, she stopped. Just on the other side of this wall, she realized, was Ashton. She wanted to figure out how to get up high enough to look in the window at him, but there wasn't anything nearby she could use. Instead, she stared up longingly at the window about two feet above her head. It was nothing more than a skylight, nowhere near large enough to fit through, but it was large enough it would let her poke her head in a little if she needed to see right below her.

She chewed on her lip for a moment but continued on her way. There was really no point in trying to get up there. After all, she could get stuck. Then where would she be? She sighed and made her way to the street around the other side, and strolled on the sidewalk until she was able to get inside through the front door.

Mason was there, as she knew he would be. Clive was sitting at his desk in the back. Norman, sitting at the only other unoccupied desk, looked up at her and gave her a small smile. She frowned. What did he want? Ignoring him, she walked up to Mason. "Hey."

He looked up, concerned. "Hi. What do you need?"

She leaned in close. "I want you to take me back to see Ashton." She purposely said it loud enough that Norman could hear her at the next desk.

Mason glanced over. Norman was obviously listening, even though he was staring at the paper in his hand. With a sigh and a look like she was overstepping, Mason stood and walked her back to where the door to the cells was. It was closed. Mason pulled it open and stepped in behind her. She pulled it closed behind them.

When she didn't move, he gestured down the hallway. "Last cell. Same place as before." He shook his head. "You just couldn't leave him alone, could you?"

She rolled her eyes. "Shut up and listen a moment." He closed his mouth and clenched his teeth. "If he doesn't want to see me, fine. I won't go back there." She wanted nothing more than to go see him. "I just need him to tell me something."

"What's that?"

"How to break into his house the right way. He's the only one that knows that place well enough."


Voices carried down the hallway. Ashton stood the moment he recognized Nicole's voice. What was she doing here? He'd told Mason to keep her away. His heart skipped a beat. He wanted to see her, to touch her and hold her, so badly, but he couldn't let her in the cell. After a minute of arguing, one set of footsteps came closer.

Mason appeared at the bars. He looked mad. "Nicole wants to know the best way to break into your old house. Because she wants back in."

Ashton's eyebrows shot up. He felt like he was punched. "What?"

Mason shook his head. "I tried to convince her not to do it, but she won't budge. Would you – please – talk sense into her? She said that she wouldn't come down here because you said you didn't want her to, but she won't agree to not go."

Ashton rubbed his face. It was still sore, but he barely noticed the pain. His mind was frantic, trying to figure out what to tell her. After a long minute, he said, "Bring her here." It would probably work the best in person. "And then step out. Go back to work. Or something."

The Sheriff's Son | Harvey #2Where stories live. Discover now