Chapter 8

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Nicole and Ashton walked into the police station a little before one. Ashton was ushered into a tiny back room and Norman politely informed Nicole that he and Gary were going to be talking to Ashton for a little bit, but not to leave.

"Do you want to see the polygraph?" Norman asked before he joined Gary in the room with Ashton.

She nodded. "If it's not a bother. I've never seen anyone take a lie detector test before."

He smiled at her. "Well, you're not really supposed to see it, but I'll make an exception for you. It will take about an hour for us to get through with Ashton in there before the test. We have to go over the questions with him first and make sure of some things, and then we'll get ready. Mason's giving it, since he knows how to read the dadgum thing."

She smiled back. "Okay. I'll hang out with Mason, I guess."

"As long as you don't keep him from doing his job, that's okay."


Ashton was beginning to feel like a felon an hour later. Norman and Gary had talked through all the important questions, and he had written out several answers. Finally, Mason came in and took the machine out of storage in one of the drawers and began plugging in wires and hooking him up to the machine.

Sweat broke out, he could feel it. Mason noticed. "Hey, it's okay, don't worry," he said in a low voice while they were the only ones in the room. "You'll do good. I didn't sit in on the first part, but I know you. You've got this."

He nodded. "I hope so."

"Stop worrying," he commanded. "If you keep doing that you just might fail."

"Not helping, Mason," he whispered. He took a few deep breaths. By the time Mason finished, he did feel calmer. He focused on slowing his heart rate and controlling his breathing.

Norman came in and his eyes were focused on the door. Ashton knew Gary was coming, too, that the station was going to have to close for a little while so that all three could be present. Mason's eyes went to the doorway, and he looked at Norman. He made an It's okay gesture to Mason. The man shook his head but didn't say anything.

"We're all here," Norman said, "so let's get started."

Mason took a deep breath. "Okay. So, first I need you to say 'yes' to both of the questions I'll ask. Is your name Ashton Dodd?"


He watched the machine. "Are you 30?"


He glanced up from the paper he was consulting. "Have you used illegal drugs or medications to get high in the last three years?"


"Do you use alcohol regularly?"


"Have you ever stolen from a job before?"


"Have you ever illegally dealt drugs?"


"Have you ever paid or received a bribe?"


Mason looked at him, surprised. He shrugged and Mason continued. "Have you ever committed any crime that has gone undetected?"

"Yes." He snorted. The day he got out.

"Have you ever shoplifted?"

Ashton shifted. "Yes."

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