Chapter Forty-Two

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One year later.

One of my hands rested on my flat stomach, the sonogram we just got clamped tightly in the other. Only a few days ago Penny and I had graduated, and now I was looking at houses with a baby in my belly.

Did Aiyden and I plan on getting pregnant so soon? No. I barely knew what I wanted for breakfast tomorrow. But when we saw those two lines on the test a couple of weeks ago, we knew this was happening now. We were starting our family, and I couldn't be happier.

"Are you excited?" Aiyden asked, taking a turn at the end of the street before slowing down.

I looked out of my window, checking out the neighborhood we were currently in. It was beautiful and green-tall trees lining the street and creating a beautiful canopy. Blotches of light that the branches would let through littered the paving and I smiled at the little playground we passed.

Shit, I was already in love.

"About what? You've got to be a little more specific nowadays."

He chuckled, placing his hand on my stomach. "About the house we're about to see. I know we haven't had much luck, but I think this might be the one. I feel it."

I rolled my head to the side to face him, covering his hand with mine. My smile faltered. "Don't you think everything is going a"

Aiyden frowned. He stayed silent for a few seconds until he stopped in front of a large, modern family home. A wide driveway and path leading to the front door were the only things splitting up the green of the grass on the property, and large windows created a very open feel.

"Whoa," I breathed out, my eyes trailing from the dark roof to the gray paneling framed by white beams. This was like my dream home, and I narrowed my eyes as I looked back at Aiyden. "How the hell can we afford such a place?"

"Let's just get out of the car and have a look." He stepped out, rounding the front of the car.

I rolled my eyes, placing the sonogram in my purse before Aiyden opened my door and helped me out. He led me to the door and grabbed a key from his pocket, to which I raised a brow.

"Aren't we supposed to wait for the realtor? And why do you have a key?"

He didn't answer as he opened the door, pulling me inside.

My heart nearly leaped out of my chest when I heard a loud 'surprise' and saw every single person I loved standing in the living room.

"What?" I swallowed hard, looking over my shoulder to Aiyden, who had stayed by the door. "What's going on?"

He stepped closer and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Welcome to our new home, little devil."

My jaw hit the floor and I frowned at him, but not out of anger or irritation. Normally I hated it when people made decisions for me, but somehow he had picked the perfect house for us. Even though I still had some concerns about how we were going to afford this, I was beyond happy.

After greeting everyone, people started to mingle and my father appeared before us, his hands in his pockets. The relationship between the two most important men in my life had improved in the last year, and I would even go as far as saying that they were actually getting pretty close.

"So it really wasn't a phase, huh?" he asked, and Aiyden quickly excused himself. I chuckled, refraining from placing my hand back on my belly. There was going to be another time and place for me to drop that little bomb.

"No, papa," I replied, smiling over at Aiyden who had found my mother.

"Well, I'm happy for you, Mija." My dad smiled. "How is it going with Aiyden's meetings?"

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