Chapter Six

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"Get a room!" someone yelled, but I ignored them, cupping Dylan's jaw and enjoying the feel of his soft, warm mouth on mine for a couple more seconds before I let go. His pupils were enormous as I looked him in the eyes, and I had to admit this was one hot kiss.

I stood from his lap without uttering a word and tried to place his robe strategically over his erection as I did consideringwhen it almost gave me an arterial bleedbleeding.

He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat, running a hand through his golden locks and straightening out the wreath on top before he smirked proudly at the group.

Lisha and Lexi rolled their eyes as they sipped their drinks, and I thought it was about time I got myself some water. We were only two dares into the game but I could feel the alcohol going to my head. I didn't like it one bit.

Oh, God. I kissed Dylan. In front of all the people I considered my new friends. Is this the image I want to paint of myself? After one week here? I shouldn't have done that for so many reasons.

Shaking my head, I made my way into the house. I needed a glass of cold water, and maybe to splash some onof it in my face.

I pushed through the sea of people in the living room, trying not to vomit as the smell of cheap tequila and sweat reached my nose, and walked up the stairs. The first floor was quieter and empty, and I sighed softly as I made my way to what I presumed to be the bathroom.

"Whoops," I muttered when I noticed that I had stumbled into a bedroom.

Curiosity gottook the better of me and I looked around the hall behind me to see if anyone saw me go in there before I stepped further into the room and closed the door. I had a feeling this was Dylan's room, and I looked over the various soccer trophies and pictures on shelves against the wall to confirm that suspicion.

A part of me might have felt guilty or bad about snooping, but I was tipsy-if not drunk-and way too curious.

So, I walked over to one of the picture frames and smiled at the happy family that was displayed in the photo. My heart hurt as I looked at the smiles on their faces, and the way his father had draped an arm over his son's shoulders.

I hadn't seen my dad in weeks-or spoken to him for that matter. Not even before I got here. He was probably doing important things and closing essential deals. Or something. At least that's what I was always told.

I shook my head and tore my gaze from Dylan's sister, quickly walking to the door to leave. I was definitely invading his privacy.

My quest for a bathroom continued, and I walked further into the hallway. I passed more bedrooms, and I was about to give up on my search when I heard someone groaning in one of them.

Okay, I'll find a toilet downstairs.

I quickened my step to the top of the stairs and tried to keep my eyes fixed on them, but when the groans grew louder and I passed the room where the sound was coming from, I couldn't help but peek inside.

It was Derek, standing against the opposite wall with his head tilted back, his hand wrapped around red curls as he held the girl that was sucking him off. Yikes.

I took another step before I snapped my head back, my eyes wide when I realized that this wasn't Felicity. Someone else was moaning onto his dick. Someone I knew.

Oh, no.

My heart broke for both Felicity. And a little for Penny too. While I was mad at the latter that she was getting face-fucked by her friend's boyfriend, I had seen how in love she was with him.

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