Chapter Twenty-Four

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Over the next week, Aiyden and I saw each other way too little for my liking. It was mostly my fault, because I was scared. This...thing, we had going on was so new and I was terrified someone would find out.

Christmas day, however, he surprised me with dinner.

I hadn't exactly dressed up, especially because he didn't say anything about a special occasion when he insisted I came by, but when he opened his door in a white button-up and with smart trousers on, I cursed him for it.

"Are we going out?" I asked, gasping when he pulled me inside. It was a stupid question, of course. We couldn't exactly go out for dinner together.

"No. But I have a surprise for you." He took my coat and led me into the living room. The second we stepped foot in the room, my breath hitched in my throat and I froze.

The lights were dimmed and the curtains drawn, two candles lit on the dinner table with a single red rose in a vase. It was a small gesture but more romantic than I would've taken my professor for, and I felt my heart swell with warmth. Nobody had ever done something like this for me.

"I told you I don't really celebrate Christmas anymore, but I wanted to this year, with you."

I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck, smiling. "You're amazing."

He gestured for me to walk further into the room before he followed, and he pulled out my chair when we reached the table.

Soft music played in the background and I listened to the low jazz tunes as Aiyden disappeared into the kitchen. The beautiful smell of garlic and warm spices filled my nostrils and I smiled as it instantly put me in a Christmas mood.

He hadn't put up a Christmas tree or placed lights outside his house like everybody else-a clear sign that Aiyden didn't really like the holiday-so the fact that he was doing all of this for me made my eyes water.

"It's not much, but I tried to make you some dinner anyway."

I quickly wiped the tear that had escaped when he appeared next to the table with a tray full of food, and my mouth watered at the sight of a small ham and mashed potatoes.

"You're amazing," I rasped, clearing my throat of the lump right after.

Aiyden chuckled softly, placing the food on the table before going back to the kitchen to grab us a drink. I was amazed by the amount of effort he had put into this, and I squealed when he came back with two red cocktails.

"I have to confess something," he said as he sat and placed the drink before me. I instantly brought it to my lips and took a sip, humming as the sweet flavor hit my tongue. My brows furrowed. It was missing some-

"I don't drink anymore."

Aiyden watched my reaction, but I shrugged. "That's fine." A smirk crept onto my face. "We don't need alcohol to have fun, anyway."

He chuckled at that, and his shoulders relaxed. I didn't question his drinking habits-or lack thereof-and by the time we dug into the amazing meal he had prepared, I had forgotten all about it.


A few days later, I saw a familiar blonde stride into the common room and I was bouncing on my feet. I had never been this excited to see someone, but I was bursting with things to tell her.

Not everyone was back on campus after Christmas, probably spending time with their family during New Year's Eve, but Felicity had promised we would spend it together in the hospital with Penny. I guess we hoped that she would know we were there, even though she still hadn't come out ofwas still not awake from her coma.

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