Plus, it made me feel good.

Water splashed on my legs as I accidentally landed in a small man-made stream, but nothing could ruin my mood tonight.


The sound of crumbling rocks sounded behind me. I turned toward the statues I was just by assuming someone entered the garden too. I jumped back on the path to avoid trouble, but nobody was there.

The statues caught my attention again, as they were one of the few things in the garden that could make crumbling sounds. The thought of a broken statue crossed my mind, but then I recalled their appearance from earlier. Their positions didn't match my memory.

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, looking back at the statues, but they didn't change. Assuming I remembered incorrectly, I made my way to the garden's gateway once more. It was obvious that I was too tired to be out.

More rocks crumbled, causing me to look back at the two statues. I gasped, feeling my heart lurch forward before speeding up. My eyes revealed an image that I couldn't comprehend, couldn't fathom being real.

Each statue's blank face appeared to stare at me. I turned my gaze towards the other two statues on my left. They, too, mimicked the same movements, as if all four were in unison. A hive mind.

My heart raced to the point it was the loudest noise I could hear. Even the fountain didn't compare.

I glanced at the fountain, realizing it no longer was on.

The sounds of rock shot through my ears again. The statues on either side displayed different scenarios. The first pair showed one standing above the other as if the dominant one was gearing to attack. The second pair showed one pleading for the other not to attack, the pleading one showing damage to its head.

Each time I turned between the pairs, a new scene revealed itself. Each time it was one hurting the other until the last scene showed one laying on the ground motionless. The dominant one stood triumphantly above, a small cut on its left arm from the fight.

The eerie resemblance of my own memories wasn't lost on me. I looked down at hands, pulling the jacket up my left arm to reveal the same cut, already bleed through the bandages I used at his house.

Desiring to escape this nightmare, I pulled on the gate. They didn't budge. Ice slithered down my spine. Sweat dripped from my brow as I turned back around, feeling trapped.

My breath caught, and I choked on air. The statues no longer stood on their pedestals. They were in the dirt paths, frozen in place, but making their way to me.

"Stay away!" I screamed at them. The four of them stood unmoving.

A car drove past. I turned to call for help, but it sped off too quickly to notice anything. I turned back around, knowing the statues would have surely moved closer, cursing myself for having gotten distracted.

They were very close now. The silence of the night now held soft murmurs. They were difficult to make out, but some words came through.

Angelica. Cannot. Run. Actions. Cannot. Leave. Suffer.

The last world sent another child down my spine and I dropped to my knees in front of the statues. I rubbed my eyes for a moment to wipe away the seat and they scooted closer.

"Please," I begged them, "I'll do anything. Please don't hurt me."

The murmurs grew louder and much clearer.

"Angie, stop!" shouted a man I recognized as Tommy. "Please stop this!"

"What did I do to you?" cried another voice, the owner being John, "Please...don't hurt me!"

"Why Angelica!" screamed Becky, "I thought we loved each other!"

"No more cheating," I said to each of them coldly, "I know you did. You will suffer for cheating on me."

Faithful. Loyal.

I didn't understand. "They cheated. I didn't know what to do."


I blinked, and they shot forward, hands outstretched, ready to snatch me. I fell onto the ground, crawling backwards to evade their hands.

Suffer... Like them...

The gate creaked, and I instinctively turned, hoping it was someone to rescue me. But no one showed. The gate creaked open slightly, enough to make my escape, but it was all their plan. Another means of distraction.

Silence brewed again. Darkness creeping around me. Tears streaked down my face as I reflected on my life. I didn't get long as stone cold hands grabbed me forcefully. I tried to open my eyes, but they could not.

And all was black.

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And finally, have a wonderful day! 

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