[ch:3] 38

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1 day before Summer Festivals

You woke up pretty early today. Last night you slept 5 hours straight without jolting awake. You felt safe sleeping with Tyler. This was fun. And you guys didn't even fvck.
Stretching your arms over your head, your eyes trailed off, and onto Tyler's sleeping face. He is such a sweet and charming guy. You planted a kiss softly on his forehead and got out of bed to take a shower.

"I love you... F/n."

You heard soft mumbling behind you,but you couldn't understand what was said, as you closed the bathroom door.

Tyler felt tears overflowing his waterline. He felt his heart,body and soul melt under your soft kiss.
"I am sorry Lily. I am so sorry mom and dad. I can't.. I can't forget f/n."
It's so bad but Tyler would gladly hurt Lily everyday just to hold you for a minute.


You came in early today. Lucky! You met up with Sam and Rin at the entrance of the media faculty building and made your way,passed the gorgeous stage for the models' ; down the long hallway and to the theatre club room. The room was dark as usual,except for the costumes room which had one light on and the door ajar.
"Well this is ominous and foreboding." You joke,while chuckling nervously.As you three walk into the room, Rin fainted. Sam stood still as you fell,on your knees, onto the floor.


Shizou walked into the room and ran to you. The box of strawberry pastries that he bought for you and him to enjoy,now on the floor.He shook your body gently, asking for an answer as to what happened to you. You looked at him with glazed over eyes.
"I am not sure really. My brain is not... thinking anymore."

Shizou finally ripped his eyes off of you and into the room. Both of the costumes,that Sam made for you to wear/model in the last 2 acts of the play and have been ripped...cut? apart.

That's 4 months of Sam's labour,time and future in fashion,gone down the drain. But far more importantly for Shizou, you don't have costumes to wear for the acts. And the play is tomorrow night.


Yato came back after dropping Rin off to the infirmary nurse. He wanted to stay behind or -something in his mind told him to- but he decided against it. Everybody in this club is a dramatic idiot,so they are all probably panicking without thinking of a plan.

And he was right. You still look as lifeless as before, as you sit in Shizou's lap. Satoshi sat on the floor between your legs, grabbing onto one of your calves like it's his lifeline.

The good for nothing teacher was being melodramatic and drinking on the job; Mr. Hart was gone as usual.Sam is crying in Mark's arms as he rocked them gently. Eunji is here too and she doesn't seem that upset by the situation.

Well first things first.
"Ma'am. I think it's time for you to take a break. You have been working really hard. You could try resting a bit in the infirmary." Yato just wanted her loudass out of here. And it worked. So that's good.

"Alright guys," Yato clapped his hands twice, " the situation is grim but we still have 24 hours plus so let's not give up just yet." Yato may look calm and that's because he was trained to do so. But he actually isn't. Yato is faking it;like his older brother fakes having human emotions.

" We could try getting some costumes of off the internet. They won't be the best but it should do. " Shizou never participates or talks in group meetings, unless it came to defending you. He doesn't like people or talking to them.
"No! We--we can't!"  Like being given the gift of life to (og) Pinocchio; you came alive. " Sam worked so hard on those costumes we are not giving up on them! No! "

" Bu-But if we-we don't ha-have costumes. We have to gi-give up on the-the play." Satoshi said immediately regretting it as now all the attention is on him.This is Eunji's chance!

"Maybe we can fix it! Let's not give up guys! Maybe we can put the costume back together!" Eunji was so excited she forgot to fake  stuttering.
Mark sighed, "Even a  broken clock is right twice. I hate to agree with that thing but she is right. We should try putting the scrapes back together." Mark looks down at his chest to Sam " Or at least check if we can. What you do you say?"
Sam weakly nodded.


The costumes are salvageable! After a thorough look-through Sam realized those can be fixed within 24 hours or so but it has to be all hands on deck. And so it is! Hell even Eunji came through! She is working really hard.

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