"Carter please, Chace ain't shit just cause he knows how to make yo damn toes curl. If he was, Damien would have never even met you because Chace would of never cheated with Khi, who in the end he didn't want. He played with everyone and still ended up with someone as good as Damien."

"Chace is my man now and I'm not going to sit here and let you do that."

"Carter be real with yourself." She laughed. "You really think it's going to work?" She took a huge gulp. "You gave up that doctor be all of a sudden they wanted you....it wasn't even your choice."

I was about to walk away. "N0, you are doing this because of what's going on with you."

I ran into Chace. "Whoa, what's up?" He stopped me. I was feeling insecure as fuck.

"I just need to use the bathroom."

He cupped my cheeks. "Why you shaking?" He tried looking in my eyes but I left them down. "Carter, look at me."

"Chace to the rescue, probably gonna follow you to the bathroom and fuck all the doubt away." She poured another drink.

He frowned. "Why you on that Tanisha?"

"Cause that's what you do and you need to be real with Carter..."

"I have been keeping it real with him,"

By now tears were running down my face. "Don't worry about it Chace...I'm good."

"Ha, and yet he stands here a mistress." She took her drink and walked past us.

"What was that about? He pulled me to the bathroom. I sat down on the sink. He got some tissue and wiped my face.

"She knows that I doubt this almost constantly. She knows and she just had to take it there...she just keeps fuckin with me about it."


"Why did you cheat on Damien?" I asked .

He dropped his head and paced the bathroom. "I loved Khi..I loved Khi probably the way you loved Dame, and no matter what he did," he shook his head. "I wanted him. He was my best friend all of my life, we did everything together. He was my rock, my backbone, my brother and that turned into me being in love with him."

I cried. "That sounds so beautiful baby."

He walked up to me and put his hands on my thighs. "Until it wasn't, he didn't love me back like that, and I tried to make him."

"I tried to make Dame,"

"I was not mentally ready to move on from Khi and I was wrong to be with Dame."

"Why can't I block out when people throw in my face y'all are using me? When I'm with you both, you never ever make me feel used."

He shrugged. "We are working hard everyday to be sure you don't feel like that...I'm so sorry that you do." He pulled me into him.

I exhaled against his shirt. "It will get better,"

He just nodded. "But why does she seem so upset?"

Maybe We were Meant (Book 4 of Series)Where stories live. Discover now