"Haewon? Okay, breathe with me. Okay. I need you to inhale and exhale." She moved Haewon's hand onto her chest. "Follow my breathing." Lily inhaled then exhaled multiple times.

Haewon followed her breathing until her own breathing evened out.

"Is she okay?" Jiwoo asked, and Lily nodded. "Okay, we have 10 minutes left before our 6 hours end."

"Okay, there's no traffic right now, so if we catch a taxi, we will be able to get there like a few seconds before Mr. Choi comes in class to dismiss us." Jinsol calculated.

"Let's get a taxi then!" Jiwoo said, then pointed at two taxis that were on the side of the road.

"Hurry before someone else takes them!" They all ran to the two taxis and separated themselves.

While driving, the girls would beg the driver to pick up his pace. "I can't believe I agreed to this." Haewon groaned, her leg bouncing because of how anxious she was.

"It's okay. There's still like 3 mins left, and we're almost at the school anyway." Kyujin told her.

They arrived at the school and snuck through the front gate, which was closer to the class. Luckily, the security guard was sleeping on the job and didn't see the girls.

They climbed safely into the class, then took their seats. "Where are the others?" Lily asked.

Kyujin shrugged, looking at the time. There were a few seconds left before they were dismissed.

"I saw Mr. Choi's car in the driveway. Wherever they are, they need to hurry their asses!" Jiwoo stated.

Yunjin, Yoona, and Jinsol were nowhere to be seen. Shoes clicking onto the solid ground were heard in the hallway outside the classroom.

"What do we do?" Jiwoo whispered. "The other girls aren't here yet."

Haewon closed her eyes, thinking. "Okay. Lily, go distract him or something  while Jiwoo blocks the door. Then Kyujin, go keep the look out to see if the girls are here!" She ordered.

Lily stood up and opened the classroom door just when Mr. Choi was about to.

He looked shocked, his face then turned to an angry expression, "Why are you going out of the classroom?"

"I..." She struggled trying to come up with an excuse. "I need the bathroom. You know... I had a big breakfast." She wasn't lying. She did kind of need the bathroom because of the lunch they just had.

"Okay, that's kind of TMI, don't you think?" He cleared his throat. "You may go. I'll just dismiss the others."

"No, you can't!" She quickly said. Lily nervously giggled. "Becuase I need your opinion on something."


"Becuase you're like the best teacher in this school, but you didn't hear it from me." She smiled.

A little smile etched on his face as he fixed his tie and glasses, "Well, I am, aren't I."

"So what's your opinion on idols debuting at a young age?" She said, not thinking.

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