Chapter 13

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Andrew's pov
This morning I woke up at 10:00am. I must have had 100 texts from Brent telling me he was sorry for last night. I just left him on read. I didn't care about him.
In the group chat of "AMP", the manager had written to us that today we will have to gather at Brent's house to shoot videos.
Without any desire I got dressed and after two hours I went to Brent's place.
When I arrived everyone was already there.
We shot a video for Amp's channel and stayed to hang out.
P: Guys, what is the thing you regret the most that happened?
Everyone answered but I didn't say anything.
I don't think it's any of their business to know my depressed thoughts. Nobody said anything to me. Apparently they understood that I don't feel like talking or they themselves understood the reason why I don't talk.
D: What should we do now?
Jh: I don't know.
Everyone else was talking about things, only I wasn't talking.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I momentarily forgot where I was. I began to hear unfamiliar voices.
And they all spoke only one thing. Lexi. Every time I think of her I think of her kisses, her touch, her smell.
How do I get her out of my head? Why did I even have to remember her?!? Couldn't she somehow get out of my head!? Ugh why does love have to hurt so much? Thinking about everything, someone rang the doorbell, which got me out of the trance I was in. I didn't even realize when the others had gone into the hallway.
I heard their excited shouts and decided to go see who it was.
I walked over to them and saw Pierson hugging someone.
Dom was preventing me from seeing who it was. But when he moved away I was able to make out who it was.
A: Lexi?
I said making everyone turn to me. My breath stopped for a moment. I didn't think there was a chance to see her anymore. But apparently God wants us to be together and brought us together again.
The others watched us anxiously to see what would happen.
Silence had engulfed the room.
All of a sudden, Lexi came up to me and hugged me. My arms immediately wrapped around her waist, my head rested on her shoulder and I just breathed in her sweet perfume. I could stay in her arms for hours. I will never let go of her hand again. If I had to I would go live in Texas just to be with her!


~A few years later~

It's been a long time.
After Lexi's return to Huntington, we got together. Two years later we got married, Lexi got pregnant and gave birth to our daughter Vivian.
Vivian turned 14 this year.
The two with Lexi are already a combo and they have me on their little finger.
Today I overheard them talking about something in Vivian's room.
Vivian took my dark hair and my lips.
She got everything else from Lexi.
Lr: Yes honey?

V: Can you tell me how you met dad.

A small smile appeared on Lexie's face before she began to speak.
V: Dad, come in too.
I entered the room and sat on the bed next to Vivian.
A: What are we talking about?
V: Mom was just about to tell me how you met.
I looked at Lexi and smiled.
A: The story is very long so make some popcorn.
V:Mom come on start!!
Lr: Okay, okay.
It all started in high school where from
Enemies we turned into Lovers.

The end..

IS THIS THE END?~ENEMIES TO LOVERS(PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now