Chapter 6

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Andrew's pov
Two days ago, Lexi found out about my grief over her and how I console myself with alcohol and drugs. Just that night I was drunk and Lexi allowed us to have sex.
I'm not saying it's her fault that this happened. I was drunk and drugged and I don't even know how I remember everything that happened that night. I am currently trying to quit drinking and doing drugs.
The guy I'm taking the drugs from is pretty dangerous and if I don't give him money for the drugs he's going to send some scumbags to beat me up. He is wanted in principle for selling drugs and for drug trafficking. Lexi is trying to help me, but I don't want to drag her into this shit.Mia came back from vacation yesterday with her family. I'm going to see her today and she told me that she has a surprise for me.
She came to my apartment looking quite happy.
A: You told me you had a surprise for me.
M: Yes.
Mia handed me a small white box.

A:what is this?
M: Open it!!
I opened the box and when I saw its contents I was about to faint.
In the box were baby shoes and clothes and a pregnancy test that showed two clear red lines.
A: Are you pregnant?
M: Yes! *smiles*
I pretended to be happy, but I really wasn't. For some reason, I think that the child is not mine and that Mia cheated on me. But we'll see.
A: Mia, however, I have work. Danny is editing a clip and wants me to help him.
M: Oh well, I'm going to see a friend. So see you tomorrow.
We kissed and we both left my house.
But I wasn't going to Danny. I was going to Lexi, I need to talk to her before she finds out from someone else and I lose contact with her. I also wrote her that I was in front of her house to see her.
It's now around nine in the evening and I guess I'll see her in the natural realm. No make-up, hair in a bun and probably in pajamas.
After a few minutes, my eyes spotted her. She looked exactly as I imagined. I always liked her without makeup and I always told her to not wear makeup, but she never listened to me.
L: Hi.*smiles*
A:Hi love.*smiles*
L: What's up? Why are you looking for me at this late hour?
I looked at the beautiful face that was shaped like diamond.
Her green eyes twinkled as they stared into mine.
I could enjoy the beauty all day long.
I put my hand on her face.
She put her hand on mine and caressed it with her thumb.
A: I don't know how to say it, but...Mia is pregnant.
Suddenly, I felt her hand being removed from mine.
L: I'm happy for you.*fake smile*
A: I'm sorry..
L: Don't be, there's no problem... still, life goes on, and we're clearly not meant to be together. I hope you're happy.*smiles*
The words pierced me. There's no way we must be meant to be together!
I hope we were written together.
We hugged, and Lexi left my car.

Lexi's pov
When I found out that Mia was pregnant, I felt like my world had collapsed. Once again, my heart is broken. I cried for hours in my room. I love Andrew, but we're clearly not meant to be together. He will live with Mia and forget about me.
I think it's time to get out of Huntington and move somewhere else. I need and want to move on. Here, everything brings me back to good and bad memories, especially the bad..
This is where I met most of my friends, created my youtube channel, and met and met many fans.
I will continue to do YouTube, but in another city, and I will be alone for a while. But it's decided, I'm getting out of here. And I'm thinking of going to Texas.
I find an apartment and start a new life.
If Benny wants to come with me, he can come, but if he doesn't want to, we're breaking up because I can't do long distance relationship.
Tomorrow I'll meet with him and talk about it...

IS THIS THE END?~ENEMIES TO LOVERS(PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now