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Voice over: meanwhile when the demoness...was summoned, jack.....

Jack: Rem where are you babe...(walks into the kitchen, looking for her)

Rem: babe..I am here (says while washing dishes)

Jack: oh..(comes into the kitchen and back hugs her)...are you free...

Rem: (shocked) seriously..babe do i look free....

Jack: no but, now you are...

Rem: what do you mean..?( Confused)

Jack: (calls another maid)..hey Sofia..i need a little help...

(Sofia, another maid who is a senior of Rem. And are just like siblings)

Sofia: yes master...(looks at them huging)..amm.. what are you doing...

Rem: it not what you think.. okay (embarrassed)

Jack: yeah.. Sofia i am taking Rem out side for a ...

Sofia: don't can go on your date...(smiles playfully and looks at Rem)

(Goes to Rem and whispers to her* best of luck and take care* in a playful manner)

Rem: what....huh..?..(flustered)

Jack: (takes Rem's hand) hey Sofia don't worry, i will take care of her...(in cool confident tone)

Sofia: oh..!? (To herself* when did jack became this straight forward,he is damn cool now)

( Jack takes Rem up stairs to his room, and told her to stay there he will be there in a minute, he goes to his mother's room )

Jack: (calls his mother) need your old expensive dress...for Rem, we are going out...(and goes near the cupboard)

Anna: what...! (Confused) but...those are really expensive one's....for a maid to wear..(with disapproving tone)

Jack: (gets angry, and looks at her)..she is no maid anymore mom..stop it... whatever i am taking those dress as your son I can...

Anna: (gets a worried expression, grinding her teeth).. okay do whatever you like...

Jack: (opens the cupboard and looks for some beautiful dress for Rem)...oh got it, it's perfect for her..(slightly smiles)

(Jack goes back to Rem, with those dress)

Jack: hey..i got something for you..(goes to her) here take this....(gives the dress)
Put this on...but first take a bath and i will apply some good shampoo too (smirks)

Rem: huh!!!...i can do it by myself tho....(blushes and looks away from him)..but i don't mind...

Jack: (starts laughing)...

Rem: huh...what now...(gets annoyed)

Jack: your tooo cute for me to handle...(continues laughing)

Rem: hmmm.... idiot...(blushing runs away) ... okay wait okay i will be back after bath..

Jack: ask Sofia to assist you okay...(happily)

Rem: yeah....!!

Jack: (to himself: it's time for me to get ready...)

(Goes to get some dress for him to wear, takes a black feather coat ,a white silk shirt and a black pant)

JACK THE REAPER Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant