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Voice over: after jack sliped and fell into the water, he hit his head making him unconscious.Thus, the unfortunate happened, suddenly the lights were off,the electricity was gone..and the evil,Jack the Reaper took control of him.

(The unconscious jack suddenly raising his head from the water, while the moon light hitting the water from the window upside.jack running his hands through his hairs)

(Then he opens his eyes, his eyes glowing red purple and the air and aura around him suddenly changes into a dead,evil aura

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(Then he opens his eyes, his eyes glowing red purple and the air and aura around him suddenly changes into a dead,evil aura.Surrounded by a dark purple fog , completely changing from a good, innocent person to a evil one, changing into Jack the Reaper )

Surrounded by a dark purple fog , completely changing from a good, innocent person to a evil one, changing into Jack the Reaper )

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The reaper: (laughing evily) finally...finally...ha..ha...I am back (shouts)
(He gets out of the water, and the dark aura surrounding him materialise into a dark royal clothes with a black cloak with a black feather collar, he walks out slamming the door open scaring the maid)

The maid: (with a terrifying expression)
Young ma....master.....wha...what has happened you...

The reaper: ha...a puny maid
(with a blink of eye he gets close to her,grabs her neck, chocking her and lift's her in the air)
You don't deserve to know..who I am !
(Laughs evily)
(And throws her away, knocking her unconscious, and walks to the hall)

Voice over: meanwhile, Rem with a candle in her hand.walks towards Eris and placed the candle on the table, and heard the maid's sound.But at the same time a strange man and a woman are on top of the mansion.

The Reaper: (grins)hmm..i think! I have some company here hun..
(two black wings came out of his back and flew out of the window, shattering it.and a snyth materialised in his hand)

(Floating in the air in front of them)

The reaper: so you are the ones,who came to capture me (laughs)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The reaper: so you are the ones,who came to capture me (laughs)

The man: yes our master ordered us to.(confidently)

The girl: and we know your every tricks and don't try to escape you can't (takes out her sword)

The reaper: (grins)hm..... seriously do you think that (figitting his snyth) that old man, has bought up some stupid students...

The girl: (angred) how dare you! Talk like that about our master..

The man: Jack the Reaper you are not ment for this world,you are better off dead...ha (takes his special sword)

ha (takes his special sword)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The reaper: hmm...(looks closely,then starts laughing)... seriously!! this some kind of joke..(in a deep serious voice) that Little toy of your ain't gonna work on me..

The girl: you son of a bitc......(slaughted, blood starts flowing from her,headless neck, her head slashed to the side)

The Reaper: woman ! These days have no control over there toungh (licks the splash of blood on his hand)..hmm... blood tastes different after so many,.

The man: (uses his sword which started emitting a golden aura around it, to slash him) basterd, arrrhh....
(Jumps to slash him)

The Reaper: pathetic (uses his wings to flick his attacks) your such a
(Laughs, then in a serious tone)
Die....(slashed him half)

The man: (bleeding from his mouth) my going to kill you...arh....(dies)

The Reaper: fu*k ! I hate these lines,anyway .huh..(gets a headache)..
Arg this kids consciousness is coming back...

(Meanwhile inside)

Rem : my lady did you hear anything (confused)

Eris: yeah! I did this was the second time.

Rem:let me check it out (scared but puts up a smile)...(takes a step) huh..?

(Eris grabs her dress,)

Eris: let me tag along...? (Embarrassed)

Rem : yeah..of course my lady (smiles, but scared and trys to hide it)

(They walk through the corridor)
Eris: (hears a sound and grabs her clothes tight) hmm...

Rem : lady are (kinda scared) scared..

(Suddenly a shadow appears from the back and * hey guys*)

Rem and Eris : kyaaa.....(scared as hell and screams) ah....

Jack : hey..hey calme down it's me ok..
(Shocked and trys to calme them down)

Rem and Eris: ah what relief....(sigh)

Jack: oh hey ERIS what are you doing here (hmm confused)

(Starts walking together)

Rem: hey jack is that....


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