[Yuqi x M Reader] The Queen Card

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A/N: Time to put the "mostly" in the description of this book to use.

Have you guys heard of this small, underrated group called (G)I-DLE? I think they had a comeback recently? I wrote a smutty one-shot about one of their members, Yuqi. It's almost 13,000 words. Enjoy!

(G)I-DLE had opened the entire show with a performance; now, there were no stage nerves to concern them, and they could enjoy the other performances to the fullest. This year's event was happening in California, and some of the American organizers had tweaked the usual policies.

"If doing awards abroad means being allowed to have drinks, we should lobby to do this more often," Yuqi muttered to Minnie.

"Less cameras in our faces, too," Minnie agreed. "Maybe the L.A. vibes are different." She lowered her voice. "I don't know if it's something in the water, but everyone looks hotter today."

"Okay, girl."

"For real. Look at MAMAMOO," Minnie said, gesturing to the table two to their right. The group of four women were collectively cracking up at some joke only they knew. "Hwasa's butt has never looked better than in that dress."

"I'll give you that."

"How about Ningning's insane backline?"

"Yes, and—"

"Jihyo's deep front cut in that green dress," Soyeon offered. "Reminds me that boob envy is real."

"Jaehyun's exposed arms with that vest," was Miyeon's contribution.

Yuqi put her hands up. "I never disagreed! I think almost everyone here looks attractive, tonight."

"That'll remain true as long as JYP doesn't try to perform 'Sweet Dreams,' again," said Shuhua from beside them. She shivered and mimed vomiting, sending the others into a fit of laughter.

"Stop, you'll make us look bad!" said Miyeon, trying to stifle her giggles.

"What are we supposed to do during this shit?" Shuhua questioned, pointing at the empty stage. "Ever since they started introducing intermissions, these events have gotten longer."

"These elaborate stages take a lot of time to set up," said Minnie.

"We never asked anyone to do that!"

"Our performance was ten minutes long with four outfit changes," said Yuqi drily. "It took company restructuring for the product to match our ambition."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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