[Mina x M Reader] A Precarious Predicament

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A/N: I know it's been a few months since I updated this book. I can't promise consistent smut updates, for the reason that it's impossible for me to write smut on a consistent basis. Y'all get it, right? Plus, it makes it more fun when I post a surprise update like this.

I do have more ideas, so the well isn't dry. This checks off the "public smut" box, at least as far as I'm willing to go in that category. I can't physically handle the idea of two people capitulating in front of strangers, but I can handle writing about two characters doing it in an obscured location. That's what this is.

See you at the bottom.

Mina had agreed to let me stay over at her place after a night out, but not before reminding me that her dormitory had a strict no-visitor policy, especially for men.

"I mean, how seriously do they enforce the rule?" I questioned when we were a block away. "It's two in the morning."

"You'd be surprised," said Mina. "We just need to be really careful."

"People have gotten caught before?"


"You're telling me that they have people patrolling the halls?" I said. "What is this, Hogwarts?"

"I know, it's weird," she said. "They don't really 'patrol', though. It's two RAs who kind of just end up staying up super late."

"So, they're try-hards."

"That's more like it."

We went through the back door. It took us straight into a corridor. We hugged the wall, slowly inching away from the dead end.

"We have a couple turns to go," said Mina. "We're going to have to pass the main entrance before we can go up the stairs." She squeezed my hand. "Just watch our backs."

We took things slow, peeking around corners. Mina's hand was intensely warm, probably because it had been so cold outside. We found ourselves in the main lobby, just near the stairs. Mina stopped and turned around, breaking our hand hold.

"Okay," she said. "I think we're—" She paused. "Do you hear that?"

Footsteps, echoing down the hall, getting louder. "Come on," I said, grabbing her hand again.

There were two places to hide: a closed door leading to who knew where, or a stack of ten unbuilt desks still in their boxes. Neither of us fancied getting crushed to death, so we opted for the door.

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