♦ Wedding and Kidnapped ♦

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Audrey's Point of View

Today is his wedding with that gold digger, Kayla. Yes, I am talking about the love of my life and my best friend, Jay Cutler.

Hold on! Soon, he will be Jay Preston. There is no fucking way I will let him marry to this whore.

He will be mine. By hook or by crook. He is destined to be mine. I will force him to be mine.

I called a person and said,

"Kidnapped him before the wedding."

"Yes mam."

Soon, you will be mine, Jay Cutler. Nothing can stop me from having you. Be ready for being Mr. Preston.

Jay's Point of View

Today is my wedding with the love of my life, Kayla. But I don't know why everyone is saying that Kayla is a gold digger.

In fact Audrey also. I thought she was my pure friend. But she betrayed me.

She continuously says that Kayla is a gold digger. Also she gave me some photos of Kayla seducing another person.

But this is a modern technology's world. Everything is possible being edited.

I was on my way to go to Kayla's home. Suddenly there came a black car. Some person in black suit knocks the door of the car.

They chloroform both me and the driver. Then I passed out.

When I opened my eyes, I saw an unfamiliar room with luxurious furniture.

I sit up on the bed slowly. Then, the door open and and a girl walk up to me. I can't see her face.

"Oh, so you woke up? Good." She said. Her voice was very familiar. I heard it. Then I realized who was she!

"A-Audrey, is that you?"

"Yes baby, I am."

"Today is my wedding. And you kidnapped me! Why?"

"Cause I love you, Jay. And you are mine. I can't let anyone have you. Not after knowing that Kayla is a gold digger whore!"

"Don't you dare to call her that!" I shouted.

"Everyone knows that she is a whore."

"I believe Kayla. You're lying!"

"The truth will never hide. You will see then. Oh! One thing; take this."

She gave me a paper. It was a marriage license paper. I can't believe what I saw.

It says that me and Audrey are a married couple. I gasp,

"What is that? How we......"

"Well as you see, you marry me. Look at the signature. It's yours."

I look at the signature option. It's really my sign.

"You thief! You stole my signature!"

"Whatever you say but still you are my husband."

"I will never accept this marriage nor you. I just hate you, Audrey Preston!"

I can feel the sadness and hurt in her eyes. But she immediately said,

"But I will make you fall for me. It's a challenge!"

"Okay, challenge accepted! I bow to hate you till my last breath."

I will hate you, Audrey Preston! Till my last breath.

Be continued......


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