"But as a random, non-specific example, say it was... the scandal between you and Delynn Crawley is true, and it turns out you might be an evil cunning sociopath."

 I say it quickly so no one else hears.


The effect of my words ripples over his features, and I watch the dip between his eyebrows widen significantly. The surprise makes him jolt and his body falls too far forward. I rush to catch him before he drops, but the weight is disproportioned, and his top is too heavy to balance on my own as it dips quickly toward my face.

We both shout in panic, one second away from smashing heads, before Robin throws his legs down and balances out. His feet hit the ground and Robin yanks his fingers from my grip. I dropped my head onto the mat and exhaled, relieved that I didn't drop him on his face. It was one thing to be punched unexpectedly at a spook alley, but I didn't want to explain to Drew how his movie star client got a second black eye from doing airplane with me in a couples intimacy course.

There were just some things that should be left unexplained, and frankly, unexperienced.

My relief is short lived when I catch Robin's baffled expression from the bottom of my vision. I sit up to look at him, and the air between us grows awkward with every beat of silence. After an exceedingly long, and torturous second, he's crouching down to my level.

"Where did that come from?" He whispers emphatically, lines forming between his eyebrows as he furrows them at me in confusion.

I swallow the ball forming in my throat at his expression and focus on searching his eyes carefully for signs of fear or deception. All I saw was a genuine surprise, but that didn't mean much. Not when I had Maizy's words ringing in my head. He's an excellent liar, Leah... Anything that feels real to you is orchestrated by him to make you feel that way.

"Just, you know... an example" I draw nonchalantly, as if it was a fleeting instance that happened to cross my mind.

My words sink in, and the surprised expression promptly shifts into a skeptically arched eyebrow. Irritation seeps into his tone as he replies, "Really? You just came up with that randomly? Completely unprovoked?"

"Yes?" I answer weakly, drawing out the word, feeling too guilty to admit the real reason.

His chin dips down, and Robin's face grows more cynical and judgmental by the second, "You expect me to buy that?"

I wasn't ashamed of having doubts about him, that was something I had come to terms with when we started working together. But saying I was here because of Maizy Barker, was effectively telling him I saw an article in a tabloid at the grocery store and believed it word for word. Which... wasn't too far off from the truth. While I didn't believe her account, I had been swayed enough by the details to question him.

Be honest, remember. Full honesty.

"Maizy Barker came to see me yesterday," I admit. "She told me... a version of what happened. A bad one." 

Robin swallows something down and rolls his lips into his mouth, nodding in acknowledgement. Then his expression grows incredibly pensive, and I can all but hear the gears in his head turning as he thinks.

"Alright! Well done, everyone." Jack's voice cuts the tension, drawing my attention toward the front of the class where he's standing.

Lifting his hands, he gestures for the couples still in position to drop back to the mat and pay attention. As the room quiets the flute music that is playing in the background gets a little louder. Robin passes me a look I can't decipher before we both turn toward the front.

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