I turn my attention back to driving, the roaring of its engine bringing me excitement.

The one thing from the mortal realm that I seem to have grown fond of is their vehicles. There are many different styles ranging in size, speed, and color, and I have found myself wanting to learn more about them the moment I saw one that sounded like a monster from the dead lands of Sihaile. I knew I had to have one. It didn't take long for me to learn how to drive with the help of Kieran who's been here far longer than I have, and it took the same amount of time for me to find this car and convince the salesman to hand me the keys without any sort of payment.

    Gods can be very persuasive, it seems.

    "Where are you taking me?" Lia asks, her voice bringing me from the depths of my mind.

    "Epiphanies, it's located in the city. Have you heard of it?" Her eyes widen and she looks at me, shock evident in her expression. Did I choose wrong?

    "I am not dressed for that sort of place, Aden! That place is, like, fine dining. I have never even thought to step foot into that restaurant. How did you even get a table for us?"

    "You look marvelous, Lia, tá tú go hálainn." She gives me a look, her eyes sparkling in response to my unfamiliar language and I smile. "I got us a table because I can be very persuasive." I give her a wink and she turns, pressing her lips tightly together as she gazes out the window again.

    "You look the part, that's for sure. Wearing a dress shirt and nice pants, I'm wearing a flimsy piece of cotton that barely covers anything."

    "Is that such a problem? Beauty shouldn't be hidden, that would be a crime, don't you think?"

    "Am I going crazy or was that yet another compliment? I think we are at two now." She smiles at me and I can't help but smile in return.

    "There are many more to come, Mo stoirín."


    I lead Lia through the grand double doors, my hand splayed across her lower back, keeping her near me as we are greeted with the smell of a concoction of aromas from freshly baked bread, meats and herbs.

    "Do you have a reservation?" The man at the front desk asks, his eyes lifting to us. He takes me in, then looks at Lia at my side, his eyes drifting down her body in an gaze that causes me to seethe. It was quick, but doesn't go unnoticed. I pull her in closer to me, feeling a sense of possessiveness washing over me.

    "Yes, under Aden," I say, holding his gaze.

    "What's the last name?"

    Fuck. I forgot that mortals have not one, not two, but very commonly three names to their identities. Back in my realm, I would have answered Aden, son of Arawn, but that doesn't seem to fly here.

    "Aden Smith," I suddenly remember the name I had given for the reservation—typical, but seemed to work, nonetheless. Lia gives me a curious glance but I ignore her, holding my shoulders high. If she weren't here, I would just tell him to take me to a table and he wouldn't have a chance to question me, but I can't do that now.

    "Ah, here you are." He grabs a few menus and walks around the desk. "Follow me," He leads us through the restaurant and I can't help but smile as Lia takes in the ornate crystal chandeliers, large art pieces that line the walls, and the grand dining area where people sit with nice dresses, suits, and sip their champagne between chatter. Each eye in the room follows us as we pass, and I blame it on the goddess who stands next to me.

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