2. Forced Alliance.

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I trudged into Professor Fernandez's office, my feet heavy with reluctance. Dakshit was already seated, his smug expression making my blood boil. We were here to discuss our project, and I knew it wouldn't be a pleasant conversation.

"Shanaya, Dakshit, I've called you both here because I'm concerned about the dynamics in my class," Professor Fernandez began, her voice stern. "Dakshit, your teaching style may be effective for some, but it's clear that Shanaya finds it challenging."

Dakshit snorted, and I felt my anger spike. "I'm just trying to push her to be her best," he said, his tone condescending.

"Push her?" I repeated, my voice rising. "You're trying to intimidate and belittle me."

As we stood in Professor Fernandez's office, the tension between Dakshit and me was palpable. We had been at odds since the beginning of the semester, and I had grown accustomed to his condescending attitude and smug expressions. But nothing could have prepared me for what was about to happen.

Professor Fernandez, a wise and kind woman with a warm smile, held up a hand, silencing our bickering. "I'm not here to take sides," she said firmly. "I'm here to find a solution."

I felt a sense of trepidation wash over me as she turned to Dakshit. "Dakshit, I want you to work with Shanaya on her project. Help her to see things from a different perspective."

My eyes widened in horror as I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. Working with Dakshit was the last thing I wanted to do. I had managed to avoid him for weeks, and now I was being forced to collaborate with him on my project. It was a nightmare come true.

Dakshit, on the other hand, seemed to be reveling in my misery. His smirk grew wider, and he let out a low chuckle. "Oh, this should be fun," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

I felt my anger spike, but Professor Fernandez's stern expression kept me from lashing out. Instead, I bit my tongue and tried to process what was happening.

As we left the office, I felt like I'd been sentenced to prison. The thought of working with Dakshit was suffocating, and I couldn't help but wonder what I had done to deserve such punishment.

But as I glanced at Dakshit, I saw something unexpected - a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. Maybe, just maybe, he wasn't as confident as he seemed. Maybe he was just as uncomfortable about this arrangement as I was.

The realization gave me a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, we could find a way to work together without killing each other. But as we walked out of the office, I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in the pit of my stomach.

Coffee Shop

I walked into the coffee shop, scanning the room for Dakshit with a sense of dread. We had been forced to work together on this project, and I was still fuming about it. As I spotted him sitting in the corner, I felt my anger spike.

Our conversation started off tense and hostile, with both of us sniping at each other. But as we delved deeper into the project, I begrudgingly admitted to myself that Dakshit's ideas weren't completely terrible. He was still condescending and smug, but his insights were valuable.

But I refused to let my guard down. This was just a temporary truce, and I knew our animosity would resurface soon enough. I couldn't trust Dakshit, no matter how helpful he seemed.

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