Chapter eight: The Plan That Changes Everything

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I head into the house after mom let's me go and I get cleaned up. Once I'm done I head into the kitchen to get something to eat. Once I do I sit and eat then my mom sits in front of me I look at her curiously. "Yes mom? what is it?" I ask her. She doesn't say anything for a bit and I wait for her to talk to me. After a while she finally speaks up. "Sweetie tell me what happened and what's going on, I've been wanting to know for some time. I know that you and your friends have been up to something I can tell I know you too well. Something is up and I want to know what it is," she says to me.

I sigh and nod my head yes. So I tell her everything and when I am done my mom is speechless for once. "Yeah I know but I am going to take care of this and end this once and for all so please let me handle this myself mom," I say to her. At first it looked like she was going to protest but then she nods her head and doesn't say anything else. I smile and I finish eating.

I'm about to get up and go into my room when my mom stops me with her words. "I know you want to do this on your own and I get that. But you need to be careful or you will have to pay for the consequences of your actions. Everything we do has a price you should know that more than anyone," she says to me. I just nod my head and head to my room. 

I lay in bed for a while and I think over on what my mom said to me. I smile as I think of it. I know that everything we do comes with a price but I'm willing to pay for it. If it means I am helping out myself and others of not being victims of bullying anymore. That's a price I know is worth paying. Even if other people don't agree. But I'm done being someone's punching bag. 

So I know this is the opportunity we have all been waiting for. The question is, is others willing to take that chance or am I just going to be standing alone on this one? I think to myself. But I shake my head and brush it off I go to my desk and I pull out a sheet of paper and I start writing up a plan. I sit there and pause every now and then when I get stuck but then I just keep going. 

Finally after a few hours I stop and look at my plan and I smile to myself. This plan just might work out for all of us. I think to myself finally I put it in my backpack for tomorrow. I go and lay on my bed and I fall asleep. But moments later I wake up in a cold sweat. I just had a nightmare about being kidnapped again. I can't help but feel mad and determined to stop them all. 

But I don't want to do this alone so I'm going to make sure I have back up. Nothing is better than having people you know who will always have your back. Who will watch out for you no matter what crazy plans and ideas you might have. So finally I fall back to sleep and then I wake up to my alarm going off. I get up and I get ready for school and I drive myself to school and my friends are shocked when they see me come out of the car. 

"Hey guys we need to talk so can we?" I ask them. They nod their heads and we head to the school and I tell them everything by the time we get to where we hang. All my friends look at me shocked and mad. "Wow I can't believe he did that to you what an ass!" Bryan yells angrily. I rub his back and smile. "I know but I'm back and that's all that matters doesn't it?" I ask him.

He nods his head and I take off my backpack I pull out the paper and show them the plan I came up with. "But on the bright side I came up with a plan that will put them in their place once and for all. But I wanted you guys to look at it before I did anything else with it," I say. They nod their heads and they look at the idea and their eyes get wide. 

"Oh my god this will definitely work! Danielle your a genus!" Kayley yells. I giggle. "I know that's why I sent out a text to everyone and we are meeting after school. Finally we are going to get our chance to finish this and stop them finally. Don't you guys think?" I ask them.

 They all grin and then we get to class when the bell rings. We are all eager to tell everyone else about the plan. As if the bullies could tell something was up by the grin I kept showing them as they looked at me. I was close to telling them what is up but I hold myself back and just smile.

It looked like one of the bullies couldn't take it anymore and he comes up and grins at me. "Hey emo/goth freak what's making you so happy did you finally lose your mind and is going to be sent to the looney bin?" he says with a smirk. I just roll my eyes and laughed. "Oh you will find out soon enough tough guy. "By the way how is your buddy doing without his precious car?" I grin as I say this. 

The guy narrows his eyes and doesn't say anything and walks away without another word. I just grin more as I watch him retreat. Finally once school is over with everyone that I texted shows up and everyone sits down as they wait to hear my plan.

Once everyone came in I get their attention and I begin to speak. "Ok everyone I know this is way too early to be doing this plan. But after what happened? We need to take action sooner," I say. Once I was done saying that I tell them what happened to me the other day. Once I was done everyone started to talk all at once. "Oh my god are you ok?........ How could they do this to you?....... That's just dumb we need to take them down now!" They all shout together at the end. 

I wait for them to get it all off their chests and then I raise my hand for silence and they all get quiet. After a moment I begin to speak. "I know I know but we need a plan. Lucky for us I came up with a plan. With some help of course from your guys is ideas of course. That's why I called everyone here so I can tell you all the plan that I came up with," I say to them. 

They all look at me eagerly as they wait for me to tell them the plan. After a while I begin to speak. "Well I have one of the bullies cars. He loves that car more than anything so this is what I came up with," I say. I wait for a moment and then I continue what I was saying. "I am going to lure him out along with his buddies because I know that he will bring them with him," I say. 

I stop and look at everyone's expression before I continue the rest of the plan. "Of course he will come because he would do anything to get his car back. Once he does come along with the others that's when you guys come out and we confront them face to face. We are going to do this the day after tomorrow. Now I want you guys to know that they might try to hurt us physically," I say. 

They gasp as I say this but I keep going. "But fear not we will watch each other's back and make sure it won't happen. So are you guys willing to do this?" I ask them all.

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