Chapter one: They Pick On You Because They Think They Can

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I walk down the halls and I put on my headphones and I let the Get Scared band blast through my ears. I don't have to hear what people are saying or what they are pointing at because I know what they are saying. I raise my head up and glare at them and they seem to stay away.

Then I felt it someone pushing me into the lockers and I turn around and pull off my headphones and look up. My bully is standing there grinning down at me and I keep from showing any emotion. "Hello Emo freak you going to go and cut yourself like you always do?" He says to me. I roll my eyes and laugh. "First off I'm a Emo/Goth. Second off I don't cut all the time you wouldn't even understand why I cut and not every Emo cuts themselves.

Unlike you I'm not afraid to be myself I don't have to kiss anyone's ass to get where I need to go I have something called a brain you should try it. I don't need to bully people to make me feel better. Sure everyone knows you now but soon out in the real world? No one will give a shit about someone who is cruel. You will be just another memory while I am going to make something of myself. You should try it sometime on getting a life. It's not my fault I have a life and you don't," I say over my shoulder as I walk away.

Best way to deal with a bully is to make the person believe they can't hurt you by telling them the truth. Bullies never get anywhere in life on being a bully they will be forgotten I won't be because I'm going to touch people's lives and make a difference.

I walk to my class feeling prouder and I laugh out loud not caring if people find it crazy. I may not have many friends but the ones I do are amazing. I think as I see my friends hanging out by my locker I run over and jump on top of my best friend Amber. We nearly fall over and everyone laughs. "Hey get off of me your heavy," she says to me jokingly. I grin at her and give her a cute look. "Awww but me want a piggy back ride!" I say pouting. I jump off and smile. My friends have also been bullied I saved them and helped them out now we help others out. We may be outcasts but we stick together. I love my three amigos together we make out to be superheroes as I like to call ourselves. I know it's dorkish but who wouldn't want to be a superhero you know?

We head into class and sit and I see my desk. It had the words "kill yourself, no one wants you alive, freak," I sigh and just cover it up. It's just words they can't hurt you. Yes I'm a freak but I don't care I like being different it shows that I can just be myself. Everyone is weird no one is normal if we were all normal the world will be dull and boring and who would want that?

I turn around and I talk to my friends and that's when someone else comes up and tugs on my hair. I look up and groan. It's the most popular girl in school. "Hey freak did you do my homework like I asked?" She asks me. I roll my eyes and look at her. "Nope I didn't you are supposed to do your own homework. I can't help it that your not smart enough to open the books and do it. If you can screw half the football team I'm sure you could find time to do your homework," I say and I turn away.

I feel myself being pulled out of my seat and I turn around. "What the hell is your problem freak? Do you not care on being harassed all the time?" She asks me. "I don't care if you hurt me with words that's just it their words. I'm not going to let myself be bullied and get scared your nothing special just a nobody that's why you do what you do," I say to her. "You pick on us because you think your tough when your not. Do you even realize what your bullying does to others? What they want to do? You think it's fun that you can get away with it but you are just pushing some people to want to kill themselves. Do you ever think of that?" I ask her with each question I back her up to a corner and she is pinned there.

She doesn't know what to think or say. "That's what I thought it may not affect me in the slightest on what you do to me but to other people? Your making someone end their lives, so wake up and think! That's all I have to say to you I can't even stand to look at you," I say. With that I turn around and walk away. The other way to make them realize their cruelty is by telling them what they say affects others it could stop them and make them think differently it couldn't hurt to try don't you think?

My friends can't help but gap at me. I sit and look at them. "What? Telling her that would hopefully make her see the light don't you think?" I ask them. They nod their heads at me and we sit and talk till the teacher comes in once the teacher does I turn back around and I can't help but look at the popular girl. It looked like my words affected her. Good I'm glad it's about time someone did that. I think as the teacher teaches class. Once class was over I pick up my stuff.

I'm about to leave the classroom when the girl who pulled my hair walks up to me and looks at me. "Your right I didn't realize that what I say and do affect people. I'm just dealing with stress and it only seems like putting people down helps with that," she says. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Your not the only one dealing with stress there are better ways of dealing with it then picking on people. Don't you have friends to talk to to help you out?" I ask her. She shakes her head no. "Then looks like you have to rethink on who your hanging out with then," I say to her walking away.

I'm going to keep my guard up sure she says that I'm right but they say that at times to make you leave your guard down. I'm walking down the halls and head to my next class and none of my friends are there so I sit in the back waiting for school to be over with already. Then someone sits beside me and it's the person from the hallways the guy who shoved me into the lockers.

I scowl at him. "What do you want? Come to pick on me some more?" I ask him. He grins and then pulls up his hands in front of him as if in surrender. "Nope just wanted to call it truce I was wondering if you could tutor me after school?" He asks me. I feel my body tense up and I look at him in shock. "Your kidding me right?" I ask him. He just laughs and shakes his head. "I wish I was but I need your help otherwise I can't play football for the season," he says to me. I roll my eyes like I care about football. I sigh and look up at him. "Ok I will tutor you but we go to your house not mines," I say. Never let a bully into your house. The best way to make sure that their serious on what they say and that their not tricking you. Is to go along with what they ask of you. Someone can't change that fast and sometimes you can say no on doing anything with them.

I do it because I know how to get out of a situation when it arises if you try to bully back your just becoming the person you hate the most.

(The reason why I don't give the bullies names is because I can show you that their like every other bully we all had to face their all the same. To give a bully power is by giving them a name hope this helps you out I'm going to post chapter two tomorrow. Tell me your thoughts of the prologue and chapter one? Leave a comment! ^-^)

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