Chapter two: What To Do When A Bully Tries To Fight You

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After school is out I head to my locker and put stuff away. I pull out stuff that I need to do my homework I'm heading to where my friends and I meet up and I smile and wave as I see them out in the parking lot in front of Ambers car. I run to them and grin. But that's when things go bad.

I see one of the bullies who was with the locker bully this morning coming this way it's a girl and she had a scowl on her face as she came towards our group. We all stand our ground and I speak up. "Can I help you out with something?" I ask her. She sneers at me and clenches her fingers into a fist. "Are you Danielle?" She asks me. I nod my head and look at her curiously. 

"Why do you want to know? I ask her. She doesn't say anything she just raises her fist and punches me in the face and my eyes widen in shock. I look at her and I feel my eyes darken to a different color. (My eyes really do change colors depending on my mood) I spit and I see blood on the ground. I laugh the girl looks at me with rage in her eyes. 

"Are you that scared of me that you rather use your fists and not your words?" I ask her. She just grins at me more and gets closer to me I don't even flinch. I knew my friends had my back. "Oh I'm not afraid of you at all you bitch I heard what you did to my boyfriend you slut really your going to throw yourself at my boyfriend?" She asks me with a cold voice. I laugh out loud and smile at her. "I wouldn't throw myself at your boyfriend even if he payed me," I say. She glares and comes closer to me and we are nose to nose I stand my ground and glare at her. 

"You know what? I'm so sick of you bullies do you really believe the rumors that you hear? Why would I go after your boyfriend when he bullies me? I wouldn't date a bully I still have my pride you know," I say to her. She doesn't do anything but then she pushes me a little and that's when I lose it. I stomp over to her and I walk and she walks back till I have her cornered and I put my hands on either side of her and I get up in her face.

 "Listen to me and listen good you pieces of shit aren't worth my time I'm here to learn and get a career and I'm not going to let you stop me. You don't know my life you don't know what I'm going through. I deal with you guys because I'm not afraid of you. I'm not going to let you stop me from living. The only reason why I think any of you guys pick on me is because you think I'm a threat and your right I am a threat. One day in the future you will be working under me and then we will see who's going to be tough then," I say. 

She doesn't say anything for a while she just looks up at me and then she tries to push me off of her but I don't budge. I'm not done I want her to get the picture and this is the way. "Do you get me now? Stop while your ahead your smart use it for something useful instead of uselessness do you really want to spend forever in jail because you beat up a girl who didn't do anything to you? Think about it in jail you will be bullied as well. Put yourself in your victims shoes for once, ok? So leave before I decide to make your life a living hell," I say. Of course I'm not going to do that I'm not going to be her but she doesn't know that. 

I move away so she can leave and get through I smile to myself and then winces in pain as I feel where she hit me. My friends come to me and I smile a little careful to not hurt my cheek again by smiling too much. "Are you ok Dani?" Asks my friend Bryan. I nod my head and shrugs. "I'm fine I think her pride got hurt though. But seriously bullies need to learn that not everyone is going to put up with their shit long. Their friends will turn their backs on them if they haven't already," I say. My friends are quiet for a moment. 

"Let's just go I want to go and have fun what do you guys think?" I ask them. They all grin and we pile into Ambers car and she drives us to our favorite place to hang out. We go to old town and we check out the black market looking at things. We all have a grand time and can't help but smile and laugh forgetting what happened and just enjoying ourselves. 

Bryan goes to the riding bull and tries to ride it. "You can do it Bryan! Just don't let go!" Amber, Kayley, and I scream at the same time. We all laugh when Bryan gives us the middle finger. We watch as he tries to keep on the bull as the bull throws him all over the place. We are all laughing so much so when like 30 minutes go by he finally falls off and we laugh harder. I couldn't breathe because I was laughing so much. Remember sometimes I know it can be overwhelming and you want to end it so it will all go away. But look what you would be missing out on. Hanging out with the people who want you to live. 

The world is so big! Don't you want to explore it? Don't let stupid people ruin your lives remember school doesn't last forever. Just keep living travel go places you always wanted to go do road trips with friends! Don't stop breathing if you keep on living your telling your bully this. "You can mess with me beat me down and make me fall. But I'm always going to stand up and prove to you that you can't stop me from living!" They won't have the power over you if you just keep living it will show them that their no better than anyone else that their just a bump in your life that won't phase you in the slightest. 

My friends come over to me and I smile. "I was supposed to tutor someone today but I'm glad I didn't because I have a feeling that the person who I was supposed to tutor today is the one who sicked his girlfriend on me," I say not realizing that I was talking out loud. Till I saw my friends confused faces. "Sorry about that guys I didn't realize that I was speaking out loud," I say blushing and looking down in embarrassment. They all laughed and hugged me. "It's fine you dork but you have to fill us in on what you are talking about though," Bryan says to me.

"Alright but let's go get something to eat I'm starving," I say. We head to the A&Ws place where they sell ice cream and burgers and other stuff. When we enter and we go and get ourselves something to eat we sit at the table and that's when I tell them what happened. After I was done all their eyes widen in shock. "Wow that's a low blow of him to do that to you," Kayley says to me. 

"I know I think it's because I stand up to them and they don't like it in the slightest. I think they have a plan. You would think they would have learned by now don't you guys think so?" I ask them all. They nod their heads and we eat and don't say anything for a while. Finally after we are done eating and we are about to leave. That's when Bryan speaks up in the car after we all piled back into it. "I think we should come up with a plan to stop this. Because it isn't right on what they are doing," he says.

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