Is clay happy ?...

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Clay was content he wasn't sure he could say he was happy.

He liked April and they had a good time on there date he really in joyed kissing her and going on other dates and just talking .

But some times he would find him self kissing April but thinking of viva.

He knew it was wrong he knew that he wasn't going to get over her if every time he tried kissing or hugging or holding someone else's hands he thought of her.

But he didn't know how to stop.
He wasn't sure he could stop.
And if he can't he is just going to make himself

So he had to try and it was getting a little easier.

Tho it probably helped that he hadn't seen viva in almost a week she had been acting weird ever since her date with jd .

And so had he.
he would send April death Glares wen he thought clay wasn't looking.

And he keeps mentioning viva like every 5 seconds .

Tell me how much he likes her and how well they got on .

And how even though they had a grate time it wouldn't be able to work out between them because she was in love with someone else.

That was thing that convinced he to ask April to be he's girlfriend. The thing that broke he's heart a little every time jd mention it and he mentions it a lot like way too much.

He had first mentioned it wen they got back form the party clay was already confused and a little Hurt for the nights events but he listened to he's going on and on about the night.

Usually branch would stop everyone's taking early so he could be well rested for he's crazy schedule .

Clay would do the same wen he was with pit pit trolls .

How he missed it that was he's happy place all the paperwork all the safety checks and fire drills all the time with viva .

Now instead of going to bed early he was listening to he brother going on and on about the guy the girl he was... well the girl liked for years was like definitely in love with even though he only told him she liked him.

That thought got to him to she was he's best friend and he knew nothing about any guy she could be in love with and she told John Dory she knew him for like a week .

Why didn't she tell him why did he have to hear it form him .

It was probably her ex boyfriend they liked each other for a while but then he cheated on her.

Viva promises him that she was over that guy Maybe she was embarrassed because she still liked him but still she could have let her best friend know how she was feeling.

Clay was cut of he's Train of thought by a hand sliding in to he's .

April squeezed it twice and looked at he's face as if trying to see if she actually got he to come back to reality.

Hey clay said quietly for only her to hear letting her know that he was back to listening to her she let her head rest on he's chest as she wrapped her arms around him .

Hey she said back mimicking he's tone he wrapped he's arms around her torso pulling her close to him
And bearing he's head in neck .

The hug only lasted a couple seconds wen he Herd familiar Singing coming towards him looking up for a second.

To see we're the familiar sound was coming form he saw her the first time in nearly a week .

She looked so good to day her golden hair shining like gold in the sun her favourite and he's favourite white jumpsuit with stars on them.

Clay had made that for her wen they were leading the pit pit trolls she didn't have anything to wear other than the clothes on her back wen we were fleeing the bergens the night we all escaped.

And what she had was starting to get to tight on her.

She told me it was fine and she would be okay.

But it was obviously getting uncomfortable and she didn't know how to make clothes.

Not to mention she had just got asked out on her first date ever .

And even though he would have loved it if she had to stay home he wanted her to feel as Beautiful as he thought she was

He and he's brothers had made clothes there grandmother had shown them how for there concerts.

He could never forget the smile on her face we she opened the gold and white box .

She was so happy and she was even more happy that Bries liked it too.

And that made him miserable.

He took he's hand away form April earning him a confused look form her as he called viva over.

She looked upset but he didn't know why but she soon put on a happy face .

She was so good at it that anyone else might have actually believed she was happy.

Hey viva how are you I haven't seen you in a while.

Yh well it umm...

It's probably because of the engagement she is your sister you two are probably like super busy getting ready for the wedding... April interrupted

Yh that's it the wedding how about you guys what have you been doing ..

We bin good ... clay said not meeting her eyes

We're grate April continued we've been official for a couple of days now...

She then grabs my hand holding it as she kisses my cheek ..

That's so ..that's so grate she says senserly I'm so happy for you clay ..and you to umm I'm sorry I didn't no your name.

That's because I didn't give it I'm sorry that was so rude of me I'm April it's so nice to meet clays best friend..

Yh it nice to Meet you too April..

To be continued ...  hope you like it xx

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