Wen april showers ...

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Vivas pov

After staying for a bit April gets up to leave.
Giving clay a kiss on the cheek.
Bye sweetpee she said waving goodbye to viva

It was so nice to meet you princess viva.

You too April but you can just call viva any friend of clay is a friend of mine..

Though I suppose that you two are more than friends aren't you..

Yh I guess April says with a chuckle..

Well it was really nice meeting you again..viva

After she was gone..

Clay looks after she left..

So what do you think of her she's cool isn't she..

Yh..Yh she's just amazing I can see why you like her so much..

Yh.. I'm so glad you like her she's grate and your grate so like

Yh I get it..

She's like really pretty isn't she. Viva says as she
As she sits next to clay.

Yh she is grate.. clay adds

You said that already..viva says laughing

Oh yea I guess I did..clay laughs a long side her.

How have you been I feel like we haven't talked in ages..

It's been less than a week clay viva reply's trying not to look at him

Yh it feels like a year though.. viva tern's her face to see clay looking at her with a constructed look on he's face like he studying her and has afraid that that if he looked away for even a moment he would forget all the answers.

She smiles sincerely all the while trying to hide her blush. This was the first time she had ever seen clay look at her like that the first time she had seen him look at anyone like that.

I'm..I'm good ..

Really clay.. questions still looking at her intently.

Viva couldn't think let alone answer
the way he was looking made her insides turn to jelly.

I'..I'm good like really good.. viva looks away again wen a sad thought came to mind he was still with April she was he's girlfriend it didn't matter if he was looking at her in a way she had never been looked at before.

Because she was the one he'd kiss the one he wanted me to be with the one she couldn't have..

The pain in her chest came back and her fake smile faded.

My troll it would be so much easier if she could hate them if they were both the worst people and they had done something wrong.

But they weren't and she couldn't.

Clay was one of nicest sweetest guys she had ever met and had never left her side.

And April she seemed so sweet and nice and pretty and was perlite and she really likes clay..

Viva you okay.. clays voice so sweet taking her out of her thoughts once again.

Yh.. Yh she smiles again before getting up

I um...I'm ganna go I have to poppy with the whole wedding thing...

Oh well I'd hope we could go and hang out or something..

Yh ..Yh maybe another time..


I'm sorry clay I really am I just I need to go..

I walked home alone not meeting anyones eyes..

I didn't know how to feel in that moment..

I was happy and sad ..

Then wen I got back to the pod I closed the door..

And I started singing

💛Ten days since we left things
I die just a little every minute that the phone don't ring💛

💛I heard you're moving on
Heard you're growing on to her like a flower of spring💛

💛My phone's on my driveway
When I saw that she posted another picture at your brother's place
I see it all💛

💛I blame the Aperol for asking all my friends for her name
When April showers, you wash her hair
She's got your heart inside her hands
As the water falls💛

💛I bet it's gonna wash out every thought you ever had of me
Every hour, I'm more aware
She's in your eyes, no underwear
As the water falls💛

💛I bet it's gonna wash out every thought you ever had of me
I bet it's gonna wash out every thought you ever had of me
Nine steps up to the first floor
Walk past your kitchen, dirty dishes from the night before💛

💛I see it all
Paracetemol and water on your bedside drawer
Bedsheets tangled in your bed
Bet she's laying on your left
Only picture in my head
When April showers, you wash her hair
She's got your heart inside her hands
As the water falls💛

💛I bet it's gonna wash out every thought you ever had of me
Every hour, I'm more aware
She's in your eyes, no underwear
As the water falls
I bet it's gonna wash out every thought you ever had of me💛

💛I been going Jack Nicholson, crazy in my living room
Can't stop thinking 'bout you kissing her neck
Been going Jack Nicholson, crazy in my living room
Running like a movie 'round and 'round in my head
I been going Jack Nicholson, crazy in my living room
Can't stop thinking 'bout you kissing her neck
Been going Jack Nicholson, crazy in my living room
Running like a movie 'round and 'round in my head
When April showers, you wash her hair
She's got your heart inside her hands
As the water falls💛

💛I bet it's gonna wash out every thought you ever had of me
Every hour, I'm more aware
She's in your eyes, no underwear
As the water falls
I bet it's gonna wash out every thought you ever had of me💛

💛I been going Jack Nicholson, crazy in my living room
Going Jack, going Jack
I been going Jack Nicholson, crazy in my living room
Going Jack, going Jack
I bet it's gonna wash out every thought you ever had of me💛

/////////////////////after a while ///////////////

Poppy came back viva look at the invitations I just made aren't they just amazing she says walking in to
Vivas room

Hey you okay viva your hairs like all droopy..

Yh I'm fine poppy umm let's just..let's just get some of this wedding stuff done Yh ...

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