Hey clay ....

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Authors note this part takes place before viva seen them together

Clay walked over to congratulate he's brother on he's engagement.

But he made a big mistake by looking over at viva.
Wen he did he couldn't take he's eyes away.

He saw her looking Aprils way a few times. Probably wondering who was this new troll with her best friend.

He then heard her say

John Dory...

She then looked at me before Sharing a look with John Dory.

She must have noticed him staring at her he quickly turned away embarrassed. With a little blush he hoped no one would see unfortunately someone did.

April was giving him a knowing look as John Dory spoke.

Yh umm let's go he said as he pulled her aside to we're there I couldn't see them.

April spoke softly we could go somewhere if you want it might help she said tilting her head to we're the two walking away.

Yh that would be nice.
Cay said a small smile coming on his lips.

The two walked off after saying there good byes.

Going over to the trees away from the party.

Are you okay April spoke quickly almost like she could hold her tongue any longer.

I'm... clay started

And don't lie to me I don't know who that troll was and why she'd pick your brother over you but it obvious you have feelings for her.

Clay cringed at being called out by someone he had meet like haf an hour ago but he tried to keep a straight face .

It's okay if you don't but it might help to talk about it..

I just...viva has been my best friend like forever now
She saved my life she and I built a place together with the pit pit trolls and well she is beautiful like unbelievably so and fun and I can be myself sad book club and I ...

I don't blame you to fall for someone like that April said taking her hand in clays.

And I'd probably feel the same way if I were her but if she doesn't....

She looked in to clays eyes

You deserve to be happy and if you can't be happy with her maybe you should try someone you haven't know forever..who feels thing for you and not your bother

Clay started to blush this troll was flirting with him hard and he couldn't tell if he liked it.

He definitely still liked viva but what if she was right what if would be better off being with someone else .

It might help him move on if nothing else.

The troll then begin to sing

Mmm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm
Mmm-mm, yeah
Hey Clay , I know looks can be deceiving
But I know I saw a light in you

And as we walk as we talk

I'll say half the things that I wanted to
Of all the girls tossing rocks at your window
I'll be the one waiting there even when it's cold
Hey Clay , boy, you might have me believing
I don't always have to be alone

The rain then came down over the two
'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel
Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain,

Clay twirled April looking in the each others eyes as the rain continued to poor

Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you

Can't help it if there's no one else
Mmm, I can't help myself

Clay spaced out thinking of viva as he and April dance

Hey Viva , I've been holding back this feeling
So I've got some things to say to you (ha)
I've seen it all, so I thought
But I never seen nobody shine the way you do
The way you walk, way you talk, way you say my name
It's beautiful, wonderful, don't you ever change

Suddenly Aprils voice takes him out of he's day dream

Hey Clay , why are people always leaving?
I think you and I should stay the same

This got him thinking how he told him self how he had to move on and this was a golden opportunity this girl who likes him and is literally singing how much she likes him actually wants to be with him he can't hold out hope for something that's never going to happen .

He got more in to the dance not knowing he had an audience as he began singing with April this time

'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel
Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain, so
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you

Can't help it if there's no one else
I can't help myself

////////Back to viva ////////

Viva thinking in her mind as she watched the together

They're dimming the street lights
You're perfect for me
Why aren't you here tonight?
I'm waiting alone now
So come on and come out
And pull me near
And shine, shine, shine

Viva saw April notice her before she turned to clay
Before singing again

Hey Clay , I could give you 50 reasons
Why I should be the one you choose
All those other girls, well, they're beautiful
But would they write a song for you? (Ha-ha)

The begin singing again

I can't help it if you look like an angel
Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain, so
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you

In vivas mind

Can't help it if there's no one else
Mmm, I can't help myself
If you look like an angel
Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain, so
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met

The two singing

Can't help it if there's no one else
Mmm I can't help myself
Can't help myself, I can't help myself
Oh, oh, oh

/////////////////Back to clay //////////////

Mmm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm
Mmm-mm, mm-mm
Mmm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm
Mmm-mm, mm-mm

April then looked up at clay though he eyelashes her eyes falling to he's lips for a second before returning to he's eyes .

Soaking wet and the rain still coming

Then before he could say anything she lends up her lips meeting he's for a moment or two it was short and sweet.

And she tasted of mint chocolate and bubblegum it was a strange combination but he found him self liking it.

Wen they separated she was smiling and just as clay was about to kiss her back she was being called by a voice form the party.

I've got to go but I ....I would

Would you like to go on a date with me clay couldn't really believe he had just said that.

But before he could register what he just asked she answered.

Yes... I'm Yh that's fine

He laughed a little as he pulled a wet Strand of hair form her face .

Well how about we meet at 4:00 in Town tomorrow we can go get dinner or something...

That sounds amazing..

Before we could say anything Else the voice got louder .

Okay I'm coming..I'll see you then clay she said with a sweet smile....

To be continued xxx

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