real friends....

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Clay couldn't lie he felt like a knife had been stabbed in he's heart. She had just gave him a apology that was basically Yh I'm sorry I just wanted to hang out with your Brother instead of you then she implied that I was like a brother to her . Then she just stares out In to space wen Her wanted to talk to her

After calling her name a few times He finally got her to answer.

Oh.. uh sorry did you say something I wasn't listening, She said still not looking me In the eyes

That much was clear, say on as I stand up to walk away

Hey clay don't be like that I'm sorry I just spaced out.

She said trying to grab a hold of my hand.

It not!!... He says a little to loud and a little to angry She looked a little startled and moved her hands away.

He breathes and soften tone he tries again.

It's not just the ignoring me today he accepted that date with jd even though you knew it made me uncomfortable..

I..., she tried but I didn't give her a chance to speak knowing

I know I'm only your best friend. Sorry your brother apparently and ..He And I don't get a say in who you date or anything like that but my opinion should matter to you.

My feelings should matter to you..

Clay I didn't know it meant that much to you. Your opinion dose matter to you your feelings especially but John Dory was the one who asked me on this date yes I have been a little more..
distracted today and that's not a good reason but it is a reason but that's not a good reason to be upset he is your bother if it bothered you so much you should have told him before he ask me out instead of getting mad at me.

But ..

You say I should consider your feelings but you haven't considered mine or John Dory's i mean it's one date it's not like we're getting married and even if we did even if it was something serious why would that bother you..

I didn't have an answer for her it shouldn't really bother him. If he didn't have feelings for her and it wasn't John Dory he probably would have loved it

But the idea of joe dory with her made him feel sick

You can't even answer me, you know you try so hard to be this serious troll but the truth is your not even the fun one you're just a child.

That's big talk form the adult who can't tell her dad and sister that she doesn't want to live with them.

You were gone for 20 years. I don't think they'd miss you

Both of the words were Harsh and ones they were said neither of them could take back the two stood there looking at each other teary eyed one a moment

Both of them waiting for the other to apologise like always but neither of them did. Other trolls were staring and whispering at them as they both walked away with heavy hearts.

They both got to there rooms clay in the bunker
Viva in poppy's pod they both sat on the bed looking up at roof.

💚💛No, I think I'll stay in tonight 💚💛
💚💛Skip the conversations and the, oh, I'm fine's
💚💛No, 💛I'm no stranger to surprise💛
💛This paper town has let me down too many times
💛Why do I even try?💛
💚Give me a reason why💚

💛I thought that I could trust you, nevermind💛
💛Why all the switching sides?💛
💛Where do I draw the line?💛
💛I guess I'm too naive to read the signs💛

💚💛I'm just lookin' for some real friends💚💛
💚💛All they ever do is let me down💚💛
💚💛Every time I let somebody in💚💛
💚💛Then I find out what they're all about💚💛
💚💛I'm just lookin' for some real friends💚💛
💚💛Wonder where they're all hidin' out💚💛
💚💛I'm just lookin' for some real friends💚💛
💚💛Gotta get up out of this town (Oh, ooh)💚💛

💛I stay up, talkin' to the moon (Ooh)💛
💛Been feelin' so alone in every crowded room💛
💛Can't help but feel like something's wrong, yeah
💛'Cause the place I'm livin' in💛
💛Just doesn't feel like home💛

💛💚I'm just lookin' for some real friends💛💚
💛💚All they ever do is let me down💛💚
💛💚Every time I let somebody in💛💚
💛💚Then I find out what they're all about💛💚
💛💚I'm just lookin' for some real friends💛💚
💛💚Wonder where they're all hidin' out💛💚
💛💚I'm just lookin' for some real friends💛💚
💛💚Gotta get up out of this town💛💚

💚💛Lookin' for some real friends💚💛

💚💛I just wanna talk about nothin'💚💛
💚💛With somebody that means something💚💛
💚Spell the names of all our dreams and demons💚
💚For the times that I don't understand💚
💚Tell me what's the point of a moon like this💚
💛When I'm alone again?💛
💛Can I run away to somewhere beautiful💛
💛Where nobody knows my name?💛

💛💚I'm just lookin' for some real friends💛💚
💛💚All they ever do is let me down💛💚
💛💚Then, I let somebody in💛💚
💛💚But I find out what they're all about💛💚
💛💚I'm just lookin' for some real friends💛💚
💛💚All they ever do is let me down💛💚
💛💚I'm just lookin' for some real friends💛💚
💛💚Gotta get up out of this town, yeah💛💚

They turned around to the wall and the tears started
To fall they had just done the last last thing ether one of them wanted.

The reason they didn't tell them how them how they felt in the first place. They Hurt there best friend.

They lost there best friend all in the span of an afternoon.


Despite the pain and regret clay felt there was no way he was going to apologise 1st.

Was he the one to start the fight yes. Should he be the one to apologise....probably but he was hurt she called he a child. Wen she was going on a date with the brother that abandoned him for years. There was no way he was going to way

Let's see if clay or viva can put aside there pride and apologise. If I'm honest I don't know how I feel about this chapter but I hope you like it to be continued xx

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