Not letting go....

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Clay could have let go after the song. He could have but he didn't want to he had put he Pride away and realised that nothing was more important then there friendship.

No the stupid grudge he had on he's brother not and not the Cush he had on viva. After 20 minutes of crying and anger and being a jealous jerk. 5 minutes of walking to the pod and another 5 minutes getting the courage to knock on the door.

He was here in a hug with the best person he knew.

You know... viva stared never moving form he's grip
Even if anything more happens with me and John Dory.. ... you would still be my favourite member of bro zone

Really.. clay said hugging her tighter so she wouldn't brake free and see the growing blush coming on he's face

Yh.. I mean I loved seeing up there singing and dancing seeing you all fun like that..

Clay didn't know what to say he had always hated he's fun side most of it was all an act for John Dory.

Well.., she continued wen you were actually being fun and not the boy band character kind the actual fun and cool you...

He was trying so hard to let her go. If she did he would probably fall faint at the site of her.

No one had ever said anything like that before all he's brothers assumed that he's boy band character was him through and through with just a sad book club thrown in .. but that was viva he's viva she Knew him inside and out

But you know I may be biased because your probably my favourite troll in General..

If a boy could combust form one word that would probably be it especially wen it's the girl that you had Cashed on for years saying it..

I... even after today I say with a bit of a chuckle

Oh well....she laugh to that sweet loud intoxicating laugh not ganna lie today did nock you down a peg but seeing as no one else has ever come close..your still there,

Today had been a rollercoaster of emotions today had started Great  just to turn bad then back to good then awful then the most amazing day of he's life.

then a thought came she still had a date and though the words were wonderful and would always be he's she still wasn't the smile that's was so wide became more melancholic.

You know viva your my most favourite troll in general too..

At that moment they pulled a part he realised he still had if could just speak up and tell her how he felt he would at least no..

Pulling away he began to speak
Viva he tried but was surprised wen he Heard her say he's name at the same time

Oh I'm sorry the both said at the same time no it's not important viva said looking nervous

Ohm you know it can wait if you want to..

But before either of them could talk poppy walked over there you are viva..

Oh poppy viva said her eyes darting between the two of them

Clay poppy said looking at both of them why are your eyes all puffy... why are both your eyes all puffy

Oh I um.., I couldn't really speak still ruling form what I was about to do

We um had a fight but we made up and now and everything's cool. Viva finished

Well that's good to hear I couldn't imagine you to not being friends that would probably be the like actual end of the wold as we know it..

Poppy words stayed with him.

She may have been exaggerating but it would certainly be the end of cays world and there was no way he was going to risk it not wen there friendship was already in jeopardy once today.

Well sense you to have already made up it's time I get this one ready for her date. I can't wait to see you all dolled up ooo can I Brad your hair this time it will be so pretty.

O um sure poppy that would be great but didn't you have something you wanted to tell me clay.

She looked at me with those big Beautiful pink eyes and all he wanted was to spill all he's secrets.

But for the sake of there friendship he couldn't.

It's alright viva it was nothing anyway..

It was definitely something clay you don't say you have something to tell me unless it was something.

It's nothing that can't wait go have fun getting ready with your sister I'll see you later at the party anyway.

Okay I'll save you a dance..on..only if you want me to
Viva finish

Nothing in world sounds more better he said sending her a smile..

I'll see you there too clay okay poppy said.

Will do queen poppy I'll bring branch looking he's best.

Well that wouldn't be very hard branch all ways looks the best she sent him a wink as she and viva walked away

Viva send him one more smile before going back to the pod..

///////////////////at the bunker/////////////////

Clay decided to go back to the bunker to get ready they didn't have long until the party. And he would have to get ready.

Hey clay how's your day been, branch said as clay came through the door.

Clay noticed that branch was waring a suit and tie
Not what clay was expecting for a pop troll party.

It was um good but what's with the fancy drip...

Oh well poppy thought because your so serious now. You might enjoy a fancy party now she was worried you wouldn't have because it is your party too.

That's sweet of her.. clay couldn't help but smile at he's future sister in law thinking of what he would like for this welcome back party.

He looked to branch as he said putting a hand on branches shoulder.

You got a good one there brother don't let her go .

Branch smiled back don't I know it and to night..,
he started as he pulled a ring box form he's Pocket
Am hoping I can make sure I don't..

I love broppy as well and I was hoping he was going to propose to her in the 3d movie but they didn't so in the words of thanos fine I'll do it myself 😂 to be continued hope you liked this one also sorry for taking so long I'll probably be a little while before the next chapter to I'm really busy xx

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