Vivas best "friend"?

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Clays pov

Clay know that something was wrong. He knew that there was something wrong with viva.

She was he's best friend he could tell wen someone wasn't right. And nothing had been right since before the party.

Poppy and boy-zone were so happy clay couldn't really blame them. Poppy and branch we're getting married.  All of us had finally been reunited after all this time.

He and finally had there family back. It wasn't just the two of them anymore. At first I had thought that might be why she wasn't hanging out with him as much she had finally got them back it was only obvious that she would want to spend as much time with them as possible.

Getting to her dad again. Getting to know her sister for the first time. Talking all about what's happened in there life. Talk about what's been happening in her life god knows she needs to talk to some one else about her problems. Viva would only tell clay so much if she had her real family with her.

That thought made him sad. The thought that know matter how much clay had came to see her as family over the years she may not feel the same.

Heck the fact that she hadn't seen her in the last couple of weeks meant that she definitely didn't not about him being her family and definitely not about her being more. But he had come to terms with that he had to now all he wanted was to see to see he's best friend again.

But she hadn't been to see him or the other boys or poppy he hadn't seen her in over a week once again.

He walked over to poppys pod and nocked on the door Poppy answers .

Hey poppy.. clay says trying to look over her shoulder to see if viva was there.

Hey clay poppy says hugging him.
Ohh um... clay starts

What brings you here... poppy asks grabbing he's hand and taking him inside.

I umm I just wanted to see viva... I say not looking at poppy but at the pod it's self it looked a lot more empty than before.

She umm... poppy says
she left she got her own place poppy says

What... what do you mean she got her own plays clay asked confused..

Well she wanted her own space especially now that me and branch are engaged. Wen ever I'm not at the bunker we're here and she said we were being too lovey dovey.

Yh well you two can be a bit much... clay chuckles
Well that explains why we haven't seen her much..
Clay says hoping that it was true but not finding it in he's self to believe it.

If she really wanted to see him she could have asked him to help her move it's what they would have done before.

I um gonna go but I'll see you later poppy... clay pits her shoulder.

Wait... poppy says grabbing a pice of paper. As she hands it to clay .

It's vivas new address if you want to see her though she just moved in so it might be a bit of a mess .. poppy says nervously

Clay lets out a sigh

Can I ask you something...Clay asked

Of course poppy says

Is she like upset me or something like it seems like she is avoiding me we haven't like hanged out in like two weeks?..

I umm..

Hey look it's fine just forget about it...

No's I just don't know ...I don't think it's really my place to say..

To say what...clays heart dropped.. so she dose hate me ...

What no she doesn't hate you .

They what is ...

It's actually the opposite poppy says off handedly

What... what do you mean it's the opposite..

I umm I.. oh my troll I didn't...I shouldn't have

Poppy what do you mean the opposite!!...

I mean your her best friend...and she loves you.. like how someone loves there best friend..Poppy try's

If she really was my best friend she wouldn't be ignoring me and finding any reason not to be around me...

Or maybe... poppy I need to shut up...

What aren't you telling me pops ... really need to talk to viva both of you really need to talk about how your feeling and she needs to talk about her feelings...there needs to be a big conversation about feelings..though now it might be too late because it's not just..your feelings and her's Aprils feelings

Okay I get it feelings...

Clay I just need to be honest with you're self with viva with April other whys this I's never going to be resolved..poppy says

I know it's scary and the more you feel the scarier it is.. poppy says cupping the side of clays face.

I..I don't know what your talking about.. Clay try's looking away.

But poppy follows he's line of site.
You know exactly what I'm talking about clay. did you know.. clay try's As he sits down.

Poppy sits next to him ..
We'll call it's pretty obvious .. poppy gives him a look

Well clay you wasn't exactly discreet about it.. i mean the way you look at how closely you listen to her wen she speaks the way you act around her always trying to keep her out of trouble..

Clay looks away embarrassed.

I don't really see you look at April like that poppy shrugs ..

Then clay looks at her..
She doesn't look at you that way ether..I mean it is close you know you might even think it's real.

But it's not it''s like how you look at a celebrity or something it's like she has you up on this big pedestal but she doesn't know you..

She actually knows why too much about me...

Yh the Superficial stuff not the stuff that matters..

I need ...I need to go ..Clay looks away though it was nice talking you really nice..

He gets up to leave..

Think about what I said ok clay ...

Okay..see ya sis

poppy attacks him in a hug smiling at he's choose of words.

Sorry this chapter is kind of boring:/ ..

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