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He was tearing up. Staring at my arms before flicking his eyes back at me.

Tim: "Oh Luce, I'm so sorry for all the pain you have gone through."

Lucy: "I'm sorry, you properly think that I am ugly now."

Tim: "Nope, you still a pretty girl. Please never say that you're ugly because you aren't. Between you and me, you're way better looking than my exes. Here." He showed me pictures of his exes, they were blonde and super skinny. No way did he actually think I was pretty but he never broke eye contact when he told me, so maybe it was true. He then gently took care of my scars and re covered them. We headed back to the group where all the girls gave me a bug hug. We hung out for a while before heading home.

Three months later, I have been doing well with all things considered. I have got an amazing group of friends and have got myself an incredible best friend. I started being able to stand up for myself with the support of my friends.

Today at school, we all arrive but Tim wasn't there. It was very unusual for him not to be there. About 2 minutes later he walked over with his head looking at the ground. He come up to us and was silent, it was scary. Angela pulled him aside from us.

Angela: "Tim, are you okay?" He shakes his head.

Angela: "It happened again didn't it? You need to get help." He nods at her.

Tim: "It was worse this time. I literally blacked out. I can't tell anyone, no one will believe me."

Angela: "People will, tell Lucy. She is clearly worried about you, keeps looking over here every 2 minutes. Talk to her she will understand what is going on, then you could talk to her adoptive parents. They're cops, they'll help you. If you don't do something, we may lose you. I know Luce won't survive without you, you're the only man other than her adoptive father she trusts. She feels safe with you. How about I go and get her for you?" Tim nods. Angela walks over to the group.

Angela: "Hey Luce, could I get you to please talk to Tim. I know you will understand him better." Angela points me in the direction of Tim. I approach him.

Lucy: "Angela told me that you wanted to talk?" He just nods at me.

Lucy: "Hey, can you look at me please." He takes his hood off and then looks at me. I'm in shock..

Lucy: "What happened?"

Tim (quietly): "My dad ... he tunes me up on the regular." My heart sinks.

Lucy: "How bad?" I can see the tears forming in his eyes.

Tim: "Bad, I can show you if you want?"

Lucy: "Only if you want to show me, you don't have to." He lifts his shirt up and all I can see are bruises. I can't believe my eyes, this guy that is all tough is in pain. I can see how he is feeling and I know the feeling. I direct him to sit down and I sit next to him.

Tim: "It has been like this for a long time, he's always mad. He tried multiple times to go for Genny but I have never allowed him to. I have protected her, but it does cost me big time."

Lucy: "Oh Tim, you need to tell someone. Trust me if you don't it will get worse, none of your friends would be able to live without you."

Tim: "I can't, he'll kill me if I snitch."

Lucy: "I'll help you, we can get my parents to help us. They will protect you." Tim nods still panicked.

Lucy: "Come here." I pull him in for a hug. I lost track of time, just being there to comfort him. I pull my head away from Tim.

Lucy: "How about we talk to my parents now? Once we leave the park, you and Genny can come back with me and we'll tell them everything." He nods, I help him up, wipe his tears away and we walk back to our friends.

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