Nathan's POV:

As we trudge back to the academy, my arm wrapped around Audrey's shoulders, I can feel the weight of her worry. Her parents, warriors who fought valiantly, now lie wounded, and her fear seeps into my very being. I hold her a little tighter, hoping to offer a semblance of comfort. "We'll get through this, Audrey," I whisper. "No matter what happens, we face it together."

Audrey leans into my embrace, finding solace in our connection. I understand her pain; her parents are like my own. I glance down at her tear-streaked face, and my heart clenches. "They're strong, just like you. We'll find a way."

Jack's POV:

Audrey's distress echoes in the air as we make our way to the academy. Her parents' injuries weigh heavily on her, and it feels like a punch to the gut. I can't help but admire her strength even in the face of such uncertainty. As we approach the academy gates, the chaos intensifies.

I catch Audrey's gaze, and there's an unspoken understanding between us. We share the burden of worry for her parents. "We're with you, Audrey," I murmur, my voice filled with conviction. "We'll stand by you through thick and thin."

Jeremy's POV:

The scent of pain and desperation fills the academy courtyard, and Audrey's anguish is palpable. Her parents, wounded warriors, deserve more than this. I link eyes with Nathan, sharing a silent agreement—our strength must be their refuge.

Audrey's plea for her father pulls at my undead heart. I move beside her, my presence a support, and offer a comforting pat on her back. "We'll find a way to heal them, Audrey. Their strength will guide us."

Jay's POV:

My role as Nathan's beta has always been clear, but in this moment, it's more profound. As we witness Audrey's emotional reunion with her father, I can't help but feel a swell of pride for both of them. My duty is to support Nathan and, by extension, Audrey.

I glance at Nathan, silently acknowledging the unspoken bond between us. "We'll stand strong, no matter what comes our way," I assure him, knowing that our unity is their strength.

Ron's POV:

The melodies of hope that usually flow effortlessly from my lips seem muted in the face of Audrey's pain. As we gather in the healing chambers, I can sense the collective determination to face the challenges ahead.

I approach Audrey, my voice a soothing hum. "Your family's strength resonates in the melodies of your heart. Together, we'll create a symphony of resilience, drowning out the discordant notes of despair."

In this shared journey, Audrey's pain has become ours, and our resolve to face the darkness is unwavering.


Amidst the chaos of battle, Audrey's voice cut through the clamor, commanding her comrades with authority. "Nathan, cover our flanks! Jack, take down that group of goblins to the east! Ron, use your siren's song to disorient them! Jeremy, reinforce our defenses! We need to hold this line!"

Nathan, his werewolf senses heightened, nodded in response, his eyes scanning the battlefield for any sign of danger. "Got it, Audrey. I've got your back," he growled, leaping into action with a ferocity that matched Audrey's own.

Jack, the alpha werewolf, let out a fierce howl as he charged into the fray, his claws slashing through the air with deadly precision. "For Audrey! For our land!" he roared, his voice echoing across the battlefield.

(RH) Lunar Enchantment:The Alpha's Mate with Mystic Might (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now