I grinned as we made our way out of the office, proud of my sister for handling it so well. But then again, so did I, and it made me pause when I realised how accustom to strange measures we had become. Anything for peace, I suppose...


In the days that followed, Arabella was a free woman

Well, as free as constant baby-sitting duty gave you.

It did not bother Arabella that much, and I gave her complete credit for that. Her days continued like they usually did and despite her aversion to the babysitters, they rarely talked to her. I found myself having breakfast with her sometime on the days she was actually up early. We spoke little, neither of us having much to say. Arabella had always been a night person, but it seems even that had changed a little.

Today was different, not in the sense of friendships, but in routine. I had woken at a later time, being my day off, only to be forced to shower and dress by Serenity.

Waking up to see the half-human waltz into my room was unusual, but it appeared someone had given her strict orders today. Asra was nowhere to be seen, having left our room unlocked, which wasn't unusual lately. Ever since we guessed the threat of Eris being against us, he was working constantly.

If he wasn't in his office, he was meeting with wolves from other packs who may have sightings. I barely saw him, but tonight, he could not get away from me. Because tonight was the King's damn ball.

Huffing, I eyed the clothes that Serenity had ready for me. Apart from the standard comfy undies, there was no bra, nor bottoms. I didn't mind wearing a dress, but this one hardly looked appropriate for travelling in a car. Especially for...

"How long is this journey again?" I asked her.

"Six hours," she chirped.

I let out a low whistle, eying the tight blue dress. "I would rather go naked."

"I was told you have to dress appropriately for when you arrive." She winced.

"Of course," I muttered. "Appearances right?"

"Luna..." she began, but changed her tone at my words. "Ailia, you are the luna, so it is expected. And for me... it is an honour to aid you."

Smiling softly at her, I picked the dress up. "I know, I know. I just don't like transportation at the best of times."

She laughed softly, turning abruptly when I dropped the towel. Rolling my eyes, I pulled on my underwear and then the dress. It was snug to my hips, and I frowned when I realised how little I could sprawl out in the car.

"Well, how do I look?" I gestured.

Serenity turned around, beaming at me. "Just your hair."

"Hair? In a car?"

"Just something simple, honestly."

I frowned as she dragged me to the bathroom. She disappeared for a second, only to come back with a chair and push me into it. Serenity had become bold, and I rather liked it. I could feel her excitement bubbling over like a pot. This really must've been an honour.

As she brushed my hair, I stared at her in the mirror. Her eyes caught sight of my silver mate mark, eyebrows furrowing as the brush slowed. She blinked rapidly, softly shaking her head before continuing.

I was right in thinking the silver was weird.

Asra must be a mutated dog.

"Do you often do hair and... stuff?" I wondered.

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