Chapter 1

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Elle's POV

"ELLE! OVER HERE!" I heard someone shouted.

I turned my head and saw my parents standing right at the entrance of the airport waving at me with big smiles on their faces.

As I walk forward, I was greeted by a huge and warm hug.

"We missed you so much elle!", mum exclaimed.

"Aww I missed you guys too, feels so good to be back in korea after so long!" I stretched from the long flight while saying.

"How has England been ?" mum asked.

"Well, I brought my dream certificate home, what do you think?" I said with a huge smile.

"We're all so proud of you little girl" Dad said.

"Thanks dad! I really missed you guys so much" I said hugging the both of them again.

"We missed you too! Come on, let's go home, your sister is waiting for you! She even woke up extra early to make your favourite cake!" Dad said while taking over the luggages in my hand.

"Alright! I'm excited! Let's go! " I said, hopping into the car.

As the car moved along the busy road of korea, I wind down the window, took a deep breath of the fresh air.

So this is how it feels to be back at where you belong! You did it Elle! You finished what you thought you wouldn't. The 4 years in dance school was not easy but you did it, and i'm proud of you. I thought to myself.

After dad parked the car into the driveway, I immediately got off the car and ran right into the house.

"Denise! I'm back!", I shouted.

"Ahhhh, Elle!!! You're finally back home after so long! I missed you so much!", my older sister, Denise shouted while running down the stairs.

"Slow down girl, I don't want you falling-", and before i could continue I was once again, greeted with a warm hug.

"Ahhhh, my girl has grown so much, dancing made you skinnier but at the same time taller huh, you're almost taller than me now", she said laughing.

"I for sure did! I heard you made my favourite cake!" I said excitedly.

"Of course I did!" Denise said.

"Come on, let's eat!" Mum said.

-Time Pass-

"phew, finally done packing." I said as I pushed my now empty luggage under my bed.

*knock knock*

"come in!" i said loud enough while sitting down on my bed.

My door opened to Denise, holding onto an envelope.

"Here you go, home for a day and there's a letter for you already. Did dancing school make my sister  famous?" Denise smirked while saying.

"Thank you very much miss" i said as i reached over to take the letter.

"'s things between you and Jade?" Denise asked.

Jade was my girlfriend back in dancing school in England.

"Haven't heard from you about her for some time." she said calmly.

"Well, a lot has happened. Firstly, we...broke up." I said looking down.

"We weren't able to overcome what we thought we could. It just felt like we weren't meant to be." I shrugged.

"I know you, mum and dad were extremely supportive of me when i first came out to you guys and when I introduced Jade to you guys" I said smiling, their cute reactions playing in my head from that day.

"Mmhm, we quite like her actually" Denise spoke.

"But things were completely opposite on Jade's side. Seeing my family so positive made her feel positive about coming out too, so she came out shortly after me and things took a wrong turn." I started fidgeting with my fingers, trying to stop my heart from wrenching remembering about Jade.

"Her parents took her out of dance school almost immediately. We tried to stay in contact but her parents found out and changed her number and yea that was the end, I never saw or talked to her again. The late update I had, she was dating someone else. I was struggling to cope initially but you know when people say slowly but surely, i'm there now." I assured Denise.

"Hey, i'm sorry, I didn't know you were going through so much. Don't beat yourself up okay, i'm sure there is someone who will be meant for you. You know you we will always have your back, and i'm always here to help you." Denise replied with assurance while putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Thank you sis, I didn't tell you guys because I didn't want any of you to worry. I'm sorry too", I said while going in for a hug.

"Don't be okay, we love you so much little girl", Denise said hugging back.

After letting everything out, I let out a sigh and realised I have yet to open the letter.

"Let's see what in there how about that." I said.

Denise nodded and as I opened it and saw the company name, my heart fell.

"Just Jerk Academy ? Hmm, interesting, isn't that the famous dance company?" Denise said while continuing to read the letter out.

"You are hired to be a dance trainer at our academy?"she read with a questionable tone.

"Did you apply to this company? Did they send it to the wrong address? How can they be hiring you when you just touch down korea for less than 24 hours." Denise said in a laughing tone.

"I signed up for this when I was still in England together with Jade. It was suppose to be an excuse for her to fly to korea with me to work so we wouldn't have to be apart. But now it's technically useless." I said as i fall onto my bed.

"Is it really useless though? You will be looking for a job as a dance trainer anyways right? I think going to this might just help you save some time going online again" Denise said.

"You're right...hmm...should I?", I replied.

"Well, I think you can, but it's for you to decide." she said giving me a soft smile while walking out of my room.

I laid down and stared into the ceiling.

"Maybe I should give it a shot, never try never know right?" I said to myself before washing myself up and heading to bed.

ANDDDDD that's it for chapter 1! what do you guys think ? yall like where this is going? let me know!

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