Entry 8 ~𝘐 𝘊𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘛𝘰 𝘓𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘠𝘰𝘶~

Start from the beginning

My fingers twirl around a stray strand of his dirt colored hair. He only smiles and puts his forehead against mine. He closes his eyes and I do the same. Taking deep breaths and letting the weight of my worries lift from my overbearing shoulders. If I could even receive some temporary relief, then I will take that opportunity any chance it's handed to me.

I feel David on me, near me, surrounding me. He was a nice reminder that not everyone is horrible. That not everyone is wanting to see my failure and to see me crumble beneath the weight of the crown.

I guide my clingy fingers down his broad shoulders and under his arms. I move my head and rest it in the crook of his neck. Knowing that I needed this hug, he wraps his own arms around my smaller body. Not a word was spoken but we both knew exactly what the other was saying.

Church bells ring out into the treacherous morning. The sun shines on everything and everyone perfectly, illuminating their greatest features. I scowl and pull at my hair. I'm not prepared for the coronation. I'm not prepared at all. Oh how I wished I can go back to last week where David and I was running through the woods! How I wished David was here with me. Holding my hand and telling me that I was meant for this. That I wouldn't fail and that the kingdom needed me. I don't feel needed. The people were doing just fine with Mother on the throne. They don't need me!

Many of the servants and best maids file into my room. Fitting me into my best dress Mother had bought and making my hair perfect. Fitted to be the best looking woman out there. I didn't want to go out there. All this political, government stuff is corrupted. Mother is corrupted and Grandfather was too. Who's to say I wouldn't be? Who's to tell me that I won't fall into the same trap as them? I am not cut out to be a queen or even a princess. The title sickens me. I'm no royal woman. I'm just a young lady who wants out this dress!

I was so far into my thoughts that I didn't realize a servant by a name I had forgotten tapped me on the shoulder.

"Princess Liana, Sir David asked to have a word with you." Her voice shook, probably afraid that I would hit her or yell. I did neither. I just dismissed her calmly. She scrambled out.

My attention turns to David standing in the doorway eyeing me up and down. He let's a long breath and a quiet whistle escape his lips. I get a bit flustered at his antics and put my hands on my hips.

"That's not a very gentleman thing of you to do." I tell him with a slight hint of tease. David caught on and chuckles as he walks in. He is in partial armor and I can tell it looked heavy and hot.

"Forgive me, Your Highness. You're beauty has seem to have made me forget my manners." He grinned. David took two strides into the room and shut the door. I peek my head around him as I watch the door shut and then my gaze lands on David. Oh! How it's always David!

He grabs my left hand and brings it up to his face. He kisses each of my knuckles with a sweet look. Shocking coming from David. The King Of Teasing. I didn't expect to see him act sweet and kind. It's unusual to say at the least.

I blush slightly and soften my gaze. When he kisses the last knuckle, he pulls me close to him. His hand holding my waist. He's taller than me and looking down into my eyes. His brown eyes, like the bark of an Evergreen tree. Living through the freezing cold. David is like an Evergreen, he's lives through the cold and harsh moments. He's always there for me. Even if he's playing around.

"I can see the worry on your face, Liana. Please, don't be paranoid. Remember what I've told you; I won't let you fall into that trap. Ever. You hear me?" David reassures.

Is my anxiety written all over my face? Is it really that obvious?

David notices my lack of reply and he grips my jaw, forcing me to look at him as if I wasn't already. I feel my cheeks burning and a little dizzy all of a sudden.

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