Christina shook her head at what Peter said. "I know for a fact that you are speaking lies now. Because that girl that you are kissing belongs to Roman Godfrey. Surely you know of the Godfrey family...they practically own everything in this town.

"Well, they don't own the land that my trailer is on. That is the property of my family. My uncle Vince owned it and left it to my mother and I. So, the Godfrey family doesn't scare me. Let Roman come to my property and tell me that he forbids Eclipse from seeing me. I won't back down from a challenge to be with Eclipse. I will fight until my last breath," Peter said.

"If Roman finds out about you kissing his girl, he will fight you until you are no longer able to stand, before he ends your life," Christina said causing Peter to growl.

"The last I heard, Roman and Eclipse were not dating one another. He was only saying that Eclipse was his girl to keep other guys from making any moves on her. Roman is a spoiled rich boy, who doesn't know how to take no for an answer. If a girl declines his advances, even if he went out of his way and offered to pay them a lot of money to compensate them for their time; I won't allow Roman to have Eclipse. I won't allow him to use Eclipse as a tool for his own sick pleasures. Roman has no problem getting a woman to jump in his bed with him. He doesn't need Eclipse. He only wants Eclipse because she is the only one who refuses to give into his charm. Though I won't allow him to get her. Not after all of the abuse that he has put her through," Peter snapped at Christina.

Eclipse placed a hand on Peter's chest trying to calm him down. "Peter, calm down and keep control over your anger. Nobody else needs to know about the abuse that Roman had put me through. He always would say that if I said anything to anyone about the things that he had said or done to me, that he would punish me worse. That is why people think Roman isn't capable of mistreating a woman, should she not give him what he wanted."

"You're lying. Roman wouldn't go out of his way to abuse anyone," Christina yelled at Eclipse.

Eclipse glared at Christina saying that she was lying. "How dare you call me a liar. Have you ever had experience with Roman? Did you ever have one on one alone time with Roman, and he grows annoyed with you? No, I didn't think so, so keep your damn mouth shut. I had gone through years of abuse. Which is something that you yourself have never had to go through. Then again you have parents who give a shit enough to keep you even though they don't give a shit about your whereabouts. And if goes to show, because you're always walking around wherever you feel the need to be, to annoy the hell out of people who don't want you around, butting into their business. Now be a good girl and run along now. I'm sure one of your little bimbo friends are looking for you, so they can make you feel uncomfortable with whatever conversation they have with you." Eclipse growled at Christina in warning silently challenging her.

Christina backed away slightly, fearing that Eclipse would do something to hurt her. "I will leave the two of you alone now. But should I find the two of you together doing inappropriate things like kissing or touching one another in an intimate way, I will have to go and say something to Roman. And we both know that Roman won't be too thrilled, should he find out that you are willing to give yourself to another man who isn't him." Christina then turned around, walking away, leaving Peter and Eclipse standing there, holding onto each other.

"Do you think she will say something to Roman about this little encounter that took place between us today," Eclipse asked while looking into Peter's beautiful blue eyes.

"I doubt she will say anything to Roman. You spooked her. That and Christina would have to hunt Roman down. Who the hell knows where Roman is hanging around right now," Peter said.

"I happen to know where Roman is. He's hanging around with Letha right now. I don't know where Roman took Letha, but I do know that they are supposed to hang out. But Letha made this decision to help me spend time with you; even if it's for a short period of time. I don't think we will be able to see each other too often, because I don't want Letha to be alone with Roman too often. Who knows what he will do to her," Eclipse said.

"I don't think Roman would be dumb enough to do anything to hurt his cousin. If he does, that could be used against him and his mother in court, when they try and prove that they haven't been doing anything to abuse you while you were in the care of his mother," Peter said while holding Eclipse close to him. I'm not going to allow some spoiled rich boy come between my mate and I. He can have any other woman, but he can't have my Eclipse. I'll rip his head off his damn body and bury him in an area where no one would think to look for his body, Peter thought to himself.

Letha watched as the scene went by as Roman was speeding along, driving to get away from everyone in the small town of Hemlock Grove.

Letha turned to look at Roman, curiosity shining in her eyes. "I thought we were going to head to the ice cream parlor for an ice cream, and then head to the carnival to let loose and have a good time."

"I figured we could do something a little different. You know get away from all the gossip that is going around the town," Roman said.

"What are you talking about? There is no gossip going around the least not that I have heard," Letha said.

Roman let out a sarcastic laugh. "Then you must be sheltered if you haven't heard the things that have been going around. Many people are saying that my mother is verbally abusive towards not only Eclipse, but Shelley as well, only favoring me. People are even going as far as to say that I am as bad as my mother. They are also saying that I took part in abusing Eclipse when she would refuse to give me what I want. I've even heard people go as far as to say that I might have forced Eclipse to have sex with me, and that is the reason why she has been removed from the home. We both know I would never go and do something like that. I need to find Eclipse and convince her to come back and help clear my name of all the horrible rumors. I need Eclipse to come out of hiding and tell everyone that I never forced myself on her. I have been nothing but respectful towards her," Roman said.

Letha rolled her eyes. "I'm sure."

"Sarcasm won't help you, Letha. This is serious," Roman snapped at Letha, before taking a deep breath, calming himself before making an attempt to get answers from Letha. "Do you have any clue as to where Eclipse is staying?"

"What makes you think that I would know where Eclipse is," Letha asked.

"I figured Eclipse would say something to you, since the two of you are close," Roman said.

"I don't know where she is. So, you can stop asking," Letha snapped.

Roman's Property, Peter's MateWhere stories live. Discover now