chapter 22

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Whatever respectable distance they held before was long gone. Jungkook stared back into Jimin's shiny eyes. Jimin was close enough to Jungkook to smell his cologne, a scent so intoxicating it was impossible to ignore. It certainly wasnt helping Jimin get a control of his heart. 

Jungkook wasn't doing too good either. Their faces were just inches apart, and the thought of pressing his lips to Jimin's flashed into his mind. 

They were too close. The music was too romantic. It was too risky for Jimin to handle. If he stayed in that position any longer, he knew he'd give in. 


"Min, what are we doing?" Jungkook asked suddenly.

Pathetically, Jimin tried to use dry humor in a way to escape. "Um, dancing?"

"You know what I mean." Jungkook said, looking more serious. "What are we doing?"

Jimin attempted to be oblivious. "What about us?"

All the shyness and uncertainty Jungkook had before disappeared. He spoke with the truth, his emotions clear on his face. "I know we agreed to be friends-"

"Not now, Kook." Jimin tried, his voice low. God, he was really doing this. 

"We can't just pretend nothing happened." Jungkook pleaded, eyebrows furrowing. 

"We have to." Jimin said, sniffing. "What about Lisa?"

"We broke up." Jungkook finally told Jimin. 

There was obviously a trace of shock in Jimin's eyes. He was torn between being happy and dreading it. Now, he supposed they didnt have any excuses. "Why?" Jimin asked, biting his lip. 

"We knew it wasn't right." Jungkook said, his hands still laced around Jimin's waist. They were still dancing, after all. "We knew it was wrong to be in a relationship... when I'm in love with someone else."

Every single moment, interaction or conversation they'd had rushed into Jimin's mind, his walls crashing down. And despite practicing it so many times in his head, he still wasn't ready for it. He didnt know if he ever would be. 

"I lo-" Jungkook started to say, before Jimin stopped him. 

"Don't." Jimin said, ducking his head to keep Jungkook from seeing the tears rolling down his face. "Don't say it." 

Jungkook frowned, "Min, look at me."

They weren't even dancing anymore, hands falling limp to their sides. They didnt move away from eachother's grasps, however, their broken whispers melding together. 

"I'm not good at relationships, you know that better than anyone." Jimin tried, "And... and you're saying this because you just got out of a relationship-"

"Jimin." Jungkook said, "You know that's not true." He lifted Jimin's face with his finger, forcing Jimin to look at him. "You've always known everything about me."

"Why did you kiss me?" Jimin asked, hoping Jungkook would stick to his original excuse. Jungkook had admitted it was a mistake back then, maybe he'd do the same now. 

"Because I loved you." Jungkook said confidently. "You know this, Min, I don't make mistakes."

Jimin's breath hitched, "And you stayed with Lisa, why?" He demanded, all the hurt and sadness he was carrying around finally out in the open. 

"Because I was scared." Jungkook admitted. "Scared of losing you."

"You don't get scared." Jimin retorted. 

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