chapter 15

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Jungkook ducked as he entered the ship, noticing all the agents and officers seeking medical attention, some lying on the floor and other simply propped up against the walls. Jungkook noticed Jihyung rejecting the medics, pacing in the ship anxiously until he spotted Jungkook and Jimin enter. 

"Da-" Jihyung began to say, before his eyes widened and he corrected himself, "Cap. What's going on? Where's Jina?"

Jungkook sighed. He looked to Jimin, who said, "Sit, Jih."

Jihyung immediately frowned, but sat anyway, looking at the pair expectantly.

"Your sister was injured, right before the army showed up."

Jihyung stood up again, "Why didn't you tell me? Where is she? I have-"

"She's getting medical help."

"How bad is it?" Jihyung asked quietly.

"She was shot." Jungkook said, his voice low so that other agents and officers wouldn't hear. 

"What?" Jihyung went pale, stumbling as he sat back down, his head in his hands. "Where is she?"

"She's okay, Jih. She's getting stitched up." Jimin said, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

"Can I see her?" Jihyung asked, gulping.

"Yeah, of course." Jimin nodded. "Just wait till she's done." 

"I'm sorry Jih." Jungkook said, wincing in pain as he sat down next to Jihyung. 

The door locked once and for all, and the ship took off into the air. Jihyung sniffled, trying to wipe his teary eyes. "You did all you could. And you saved us with the bomb. None of this is your fault. I just wish I was the one who killed the jackass who did this to Jina."

"You were." Came a voice from behind Jimin. 

Jungkook looked curiously at the speaker: Soyeon. 

"Oh, um- I'm Soyeon." Soyeon attempted a smile. "I was the one to find your sister."

Jungkook nodded. "Go on."

"Well, my tech in-ear, Jisoo Unnie? She got it on video when Jina was shot. And identified the shooter. I know it doesn't mean much, but, you were the one to kill him." 

Soyeon started to walk away, but then Jihyung said, "Wait." 

Soyeon turned around, a questioning look on her face. 

"Those arrows." He pointed to Soyeon's bow and arrow set. "It was you who saved me back there."

"And me." Hyunjin joined the conversation, along with several more.

Soyeon shrugged, "Jina told me to go out there and fight. That's all I did."

"You did much more than that." Jungkook said, getting up and shaking her hand. "I'm sorry I didnt acknowledge it earlier."

Soyeon flustered quickly as the group applauded her performance, smiling awkwardly. 

"For what it's worth," Soyeon said as the officers dispersed, "Jina was fighting to survive. She's strong. And she'll get through this." She nodded at Jihyung, then moving away to head to the medical attention herself. 

"She's ready, Jih." Jimin said, and Jihyung jumped to his feet. 

He rushed into the medical room of the ship, immediately noticing Jina lying on a bed, a huge plaster wrapped around her waist. He could see the bullet wound in her lower abdomen, and the tubes injected into her arm. He sat down next to her bedside, crossing his legs. 

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