chapter 7

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Jina had found Jungkook alone and took it as an opportunity to approach him, albeit a little nervous.

"Hi!" Jina had said, vibing to the music.

"Oh, Jina. Hello." Jungkook smiled, rolling up his sleeves.

"You look lonely." Jina remarked, making Jungkook snort.

"Well, Jimin ditched me, so yes, I am for the moment."

"You two would make a cute couple." Jina blurted out, as if venturing a guess. Jungkook went bright red, head snapping up.

"Wha-" He started to say, before Jina interrupted.

"I know you're with Lisa, dont worry. I just think you'd look good together, y'know." Jina tried to play it off nonchalantly, making Jungkook relax a little. "That was weird, sorry."

"No, no, you're not the first person to say that." Jungkook rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"How is Lisa, by the way? You said she was sick, right?" Jina tried to appear concerned, but she couldn't really hide the dislike from her voice.

"Yeah..." Jungkook nodded, tensing.

"Tell her I hope she gets better soon!" Mentally, Jina added inwardly, snickering to herself.

"I will." Jungkook beamed. He felt bad, realising Lisa's hate was even less justified.

"Anyway, I have bad news for you." Jina pretended to be solemn, and Jungkook frowned. "I have replaced you as Officer Park's Disney buddy." Jina gave him a sly smile and Jungkook gave an offended gasp.

"How dare you, Jeong Jina?' He laughed, putting a hand to his chest. Jihyung approached them apprehensively and then smiled when he saw a chuckling Jungkook.

"Hey!" Jihyung said, giving Jina a look. She nodded, saying,

"Oh, is Officer Park free now?"

Jihyung saw Jungkook's eyes light up from the corner of his vision and his lips turned up. "Yep, his date was a bust I think."

"Aw, that sucks." Jina said, pursing her lips.

"I better go check on him then, you kids have fun." Jungkook nodded in Jimin's direction, walking briskly towards him.

"Oh my god, oh my god, they are so pining for each other." Jihyung whispered, making Jina's eyes widen.

"I mean, I know, but how do you know?" Jina dragged him to the corner, jumping excitedly.

"Okay, so I was talking to Appa, who's date is a total jackass by the way. He said he thought Appa wasn't worth being a frontline officer!"

"Ew." Jina said, rolling his eyes. "Let's see his musty ass in battle."

"I know, anyway. I told Appa he was free to rant, and then he told me about a crush he's been having. And I'm not one to speculate but I'm one hundred percent sure he was talking about Dad."

"This is amazing! Okay, we have to get rid of Lisa and they'll literally run into each other's arms."

Jimin snapped out of his gaze when he spotted Jungkook approaching him, a strange look on his face.

"Hi?" Jimin said, when Jungkook sat down, leaning back just like Jihyung done a few minutes before.

"Hi." Jungkook responded, handing Jimin the glass of punch he had in his hand. "What happened to your date?"

Jimin nodded towards the bar, where Hongjoong was obviously flirting with the bartender. He sipped the punch and groaned, "Why do I attract the worst people?" He threw his head back and sunk further into the couch, bringing his knees to his chest. You don't, Jungkook felt like blurting out before his thoughts switched to Lisa and he stopped, gulping. "It's like the world wants me to be single forever."

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