・゚✧ prologue

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Jeon Jina looked at her brother irritably as they sat together in detention, an empty table separating them. The room was deserted apart from the two siblings, and the tension in the air was palpable by anyone who entered.

"Idiot." Jina muttered, causing Jihyung to turn to her and glare.

"What? It's your fault we're here, dumbass." He said scornfully, eyeing the lines he was writing for his punishment.

"Use your tiny brain, moron, who's idea was it to bunk school?"

"Mine, but who asked you to come along? You're the reason I got caught in the first place." Jihyung rolled his eyes, burning holes through his little sister's skull. Jina was unfazed by his dangerous look, saying,

"You know how serious Dad is when it comes to our education, Jih, I came to grab you before you got into even more trouble. You're lucky headmaster Huang didnt email home."

"Yeah I know...I just need a break sometimes, from all the useless information they give us." Jihyung finally said, his eyes looking much more placid. He looked at Jina, "Finished with your lines?"

She nodded, "Long time ago. Come on, let's go drop them off at Ms. Lee's room." The two left the room, grabbing their papers and entering the silent hallways. Ms. Lee's room was dark when they entered, treading carefully in the science lab.

"You think she went home already?" Jihyung whispered, to which Jina shrugged, pressing the light switch. Jina left her sheet on the desk to her right, getting ready to leave when she spotted something unusual in the corner of the room.

"Hey, what's that?" She asked, grabbing Jihyung's arm. Jihyung's eyes widened as he spotted the machine-looking object.

"Woah..." He muttered, walking over in a daze and observing the now glowing machine. Jina approached the object as well, staring curiously and the shiny exterior and platform looking base. She prodded at the buttons on the side of the machine, jumping when it whirred to a start, producing a shining opening in the center of it. "Hey, watch it, Jina, this could be dangerous."

"It's in the science room, how bad could it be?" Jina said, snorting and putting her hand through the opening.

"Hey! Don't-"

"Jih, I'm stuck, my arm, it's not coming out! Help!" Jina said frantically, tugging at her arm as the pitch of her voice got higher. An alarmed look quickly took over Jihyung's features, pulling at his sister's other arm.

"Shit...what's going on?" He said, nearing panic.

"Fuck, this cannot be happening."

"Ah, crap."

"Hear me out, let go for a second." Jina said as her shoulder got sucked into the machine.

"Are you crazy?" Jihyung said worriedly, holding on tightly and refusing to release his grip on her free hand.

"Oh crud." Jina said, as she felt a lurch in her stomach and she was sucked entirely into the machine, taking her brother with her. And just like a few minutes ago, the science lab was completely deserted. 


not the first chapter lol, just an introduction haha. any thoughts so far? 

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