chapter 8

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"My favourite siblings, hello!" Namjoon beamed as the pair walked in, Jihyung chuckling.

"Wassup Uncle Joon!" Jihyung sat in front of him with a grin. Jina took the seat next to him, swallowing her last bite of waffle.

"So... I have some news." Namjoon looked pleased with himself, something that made Jina slightly uneasy.

"Okay..." Jina said suspiciously, looking at him anticipatedly.

"You're going on a mission!" Namjoon exclaimed, and the siblings' jaws dropped.

"What?!" Jihyung said, leaping from his seat.

"Here I was thinking you'd be grateful." Namjoon rolled his eyes at Jina's astonished expression.

"Well, w-we are. But, its just that we've never been on a mission before. " Jina said softly.

"No way. You're 20 and 18! How's that possible? Jimin didn't let you?"

"Oh, about that." Jihyung said, "We're 17 and 15." He grimaced as Namjoon's mouth fell agape.

"Good lord." He finally said, "Well, um."

"We'll go." Jina said confidently, making Jihyung whip his head around to face her.

"Sis. Are you sure about this?" Jihyung said nervously, and Jina smiled.

"Yeah, this is what we've been training for, right? I know I can do this, Jih." She looked determined, "And you will do even better."

"This isnt training anymore, we could get hurt." Jihyung said, contemplating it, "Maybe only I should go..."

"No way in hell is that happening." Jina snapped. "You go, I go. Come on, I can do it!"

"Alright then." Jihyung cleared his throat, "We're good to go, Uncle."

"Whew, that was intense." Namjoon yawned. "Okay, head down to training. Tomorrow is your evaluation."

"Woah...evaluation?" Jihyung said as Jina got up from her seat.

"Well, yeah. We know you're badass and all, but we gotta run some tests first. Accuracy, running, combat, all the good stuff." Namjoon said nonchalantly, "It'll be fine, dont worry. Now, I have to convince your parents to let you go on the mission."

"Uncle? Look, as much as I want to go on this mission, we have to get home soon right? I mean, Appa and Dad aren't getting any closer." Jina said apprehensively.

"The time machine is close to being done." He reassured. "And, who do you think told Jungkook to lead the mission with Min? I've got this, okay?"

Although hesitant, Jina rushed into Namjoon's arms, her hands looping around his waist. Slightly confused, Namjoon gave Jihyung a concerned look and hugged her back awkwardly, patting her back. "Sorry, I just miss home." She mumbled, and Jihyung exhaled sadly.

"It's alright kiddo. And, I hope you know your parents are still here okay? Go hug them, spend some time with them. You'll be safe!"

"Thanks Uncle." Jina said, smiling finally and getting out of his arms. She returned to Jihyung's side, who gave her shoulder a slight squeeze.

"Training?" Jihyung asked her as they exited the room and Jina nodded.

"Let's go!"


Jihyung and Jina walked into the training room 10 minutes early, surprised to see Jimin and Jungkook already there, heads close together as they discussed something. Jihyung smiled at Jina and they stayed silent in the background, putting on their gear. Jihyung taped up his fists as Jina slid into sports shoes. They heard Jimin laugh at something Jungkook said and grinned to eachother, holding back chuckles of their own.

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