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The moonlight cast an eerie glow over the whole barn, giving it an abandoned and spooky look. The white luminescence shone through the windows, allowing any minuscule particles that floated through the air to be seen. Everything was silent besides the croak of wind or the hoot of an owl. The grass swayed back and forth in timed rhythms, coordinated but wild and free at the same time. The soft, fluttering breaths of animals echoed through the barn, one in particular irregular against the rest.

A female feline curled up for sleep, having finished her meal. Her body felt warm and heavy from the extravagant dining, it made her sluggish but in a good way. Her pelt was the color of dandelions, her stripes each distinguished and dashing. Her ear flicked before she settled into sleep, curling up and relishing in the cool, comfortable hay. Crickets squeaked, mice scuttled about. However, she didn't care. All those activities that brought adventure and exploration could wait another day. For now, she focused on the armoas of the place she loved most; home.

Suddenly, the peaceful ambiance of the barn shifted, like everything was being rearranged to be different and ambiguous. Solar suddenly opened her eyes in alarm, the once comforting sounds of gentle night being replaced by the crashing of water. She jumped up with a yelp as he paws were dampened by the tide. It rolled and swayed, the foam patterns sparkling in the moonlight. Soon, the water pulled back, and Solar tore backward. Her head swiveled around, and she took in her surroundings. Everything seemed so much bigger in a new place. Shells littered the ground on which she stood, slightly digging into her paw pads. The air was crisp and fresh, carrying the promise of fish. Solar's stomach growled at the idea of food. She looked around, hoping maybe there would be some promise of a meal. Sure, she had just eaten, but she could indulge every once in a while.

Homes, like her own, although much smaller, were behind her when she turned around. They were a ways away, but she could see the wood carving and intricate details on each one. Solar could hear the sounds of activity coming from them. She could also scent the mesmerizing promise of food. Now, how would she get over there?

Solar looked down at her paws, wet and soaked. The saltwater seeped through her fur, and for some reason, it was tingly on her skin. She looked back at the waves. She could stand here and potentially get soaked, or tough it out and walk on the uncomfortable surface to get a good reward...

Solar let out a breath she didn't even know she had been holding. Slowly, after a long moment of hesitation, she began to quickly walk towards the houses to which she had grown accustomed. The sand was gritty and stuck to her paws, an unpleasant feeling but she would bear it. She could always clean her paws later. Finally, Solar hopped onto the deck where one of the houses resided. She tasted the scent in the air, which was salty. It was nothing like the scents of home, and it just smelled unnatural to Solar. She made a gagging motion, trying to rid the scent from her nose.

After that disgusting incident, Solar hopped up onto the windowsill, looking into the building. She pressed her face against the impenetrable surface, fascinated momentarily by the way her breath created fog against its surface. She saw a faintly glowing light, and her eyes widened. She quickly hopped down. Maybe there was a way in? She circled the building and no entrance. She pawed at the door, meowing. No use either. This was hopeless. Solar hopped down, sighing. She was so perplexed as to where she was. All she wanted was to go home.

Suddenly, a croak of wood caught her attention. Like someone else was here. Solar's head quickly snapped up, and she saw a faintly glowing figure like herself. It almost hurt her eyes, their pelt was glowing so brightly. "Hello?" Solar called out, standing up and beginning to walk over. She didn't have time to wonder how they had gotten here, or why their pelt was glowing. She was saved! she thought before the figure started running away.

 She gave chase, "Hey! I just want to know how to get back home!" Solar yelped, quickening her pace to keep up with them. They were surprisingly fast. The figure dodged many corners and fences. So too did Solar, skidding against the wood and feeling the icky sand dig into her paws. She winced. The feeling was so distracting that she momentarily lost them. Solar stumbled to a halt, tasting the air. No scent. Then, she saw light in the corner of her eye. That must be them! She raced after this mysterious cat once more, panting.

Suddenly, the world morphed around the sand-colored tabby, and the two cats were suddenly transported to a mountain. Solar's mind went blank for a second and she briefly stopped once more, confused as to how they had gotten so far in such a short amount of time. The figure turned to her momentarily, before beginning to run up the rocky cliffs. She couldn't let them escape. They were her only possibility of getting home. Solar began to race after them again. The wind became frosty and whipped past her whiskers.

She was slowly gaining on them, and the mysterious figure was slowing down, apparently losing stamina. So too was Solar, but she had determination on her side. A willingness to get back home. She began to near on them, being only about a fox-tail away, before she let out a fierce cry and pounced, the two cats rolling in the snow. She pinned him down, panting with effort. Solar's eyes widened as she stared down at the cat, noticing their eyes were an encapsulating and eerie white color. She could hear whispers of multiple cats, all talking in unison and discord at the same time. As if there were multiple spirits inside of one body. 

She made a noise of disgust, the sounds clouding her brain. Solar stepped off of the figure, her paws feeling cold to the touch since they had been touching this other cat. "What are you-?" Solar asked, eyes narrowing in suspicion. The figure was now on their paws, staring her down. The whispers faded slowly, the sound of the wooshing wind replacing it. The figure turned tail, pouncing up multiple rocks with a surprising amount of energy. Solar could no longer see them.

Her eyes softened, and more slowly than the figure, she climbed up the rocks. Solar had to be careful to not cut her paws, she was so used to the comfortable grass of the barn that any other terrain was hard to navigate. When she finally reached the last rock, she saw the figure's head poking out from through the mist. She found it creepy how their eyes glowed, guiding her through the sense blinding mist. She hopped up, standing a few feet from them.

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked breathlessly, tired from both the chase and the climbing. The cat sat there silent, just staring at her. Solar also stared back, feeling a sense of dread creeping through her fur. The cat suddenly lurched forward, pressing their muzzle against Solar's forehead. Her fur bristled, and she was about to slash him when suddenly Solar was frozen to her spot, the whispering noises coming back louder. The cold atmosphere of the mountains faded, replaced by the sensation of warm summer sun and soft, whispering dandelions. The creepy whispers faded into a beautiful, blossoming conversation. Cats laughing and talking together, kittens squealing and playing.

Solar could feel the shift, purpose was flooding through every vein in her body. Something needed to happen to make this paradise which she envisioned a reality. It was like having a sixth sense, being able to know when something needed to happen for the better. Hearing these sounds filled her with warmth and comfort. She slowly opened her eyes, the sounds fading back to whispers of wind and voices that were less unsettling.

Solar blinked slowly, focusing her eyes on the figure which was now standing. "What are you telling me...?" She asked quietly. Her voice was barely being heard over the harsh winds of the mountain. The figure stayed silent. She blinked, and just like that, they were gone. Solar's mouth dropped open, and she twirled around, searching for them. The last thing she heard was the rushing of winter winds, and then everything went black.

Solar's eyes snapped open, her breathing quick and her heart pounding in her chest. She was awake in the barn again.  Her paws were outreached as if she was trying to grab something. She blinked a few times, pulling her paws back in.

All the sounds and sights were still the same. The gentle fizz of a candle. The huff of an animal. The croak of wood. She was back home. It was all a dream. Or was it? Solar pondered, remembering how the environment and the gentle touch from the mysterious cat felt so real. Like some cat, a real one, was resting his muzzle on her head. Words rung through Solar's mind, like the whispers that she had once been freaked out by, but now saw as intriguing.

"Canines threaten to sweep all light away, and a bright star along with her kin on earth will be tasked to defeat such an enemy."


Good evening, lovely reader! I hope you are intrigued by this chapter. I am working hard to get on a writing schedule, so I won't have to keep you people waiting for another chapter. Good news! The outlining for this first book is complete! Meaning all I have to do is find the time to write. Next chapter, we will meet our protagonist, so stay tuned!

-The author, Corgi.

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