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Chief- Creeksun, a pale yellow tom with amber eyes

Auxiliary- Hareshine, a brown shecat with amber eyes

Teller- Mossyecho, a frail tan shecat with brown patches and blue eyes

Beespring, a silver tabby tom with amber eyes

Herbalist- Coyotelight, a gray tom with green eyes


Hawkdrag, a tabby tom with yellow eyes

Rabbitpelt, a beige-speckled shecat with blue eyes

Bunnygrab, a brown tom with a white underbelly and gray eyes

Frogleap, a brown long-legged shecat with yellow eyes

Birdchirp, a tabby tomcat with gray eyes

Crowcall, a black tom with yellow eyes

Squirrelpounce, a ginger shecat with green eyes


Rockscrape, a gray tomcat with blue eyes

Sturdylog, a dark brown tomcat with amber eyes

Clawgrasp, a tortoiseshell shecat with green eyes

Beartooth, a dark brown tomcat with blue eyes

Longswipe, a tan tomcat with amber eyes and very long claws

Tigertalon, a tabby shecat with green eyes


Moth, a pale yellow tomcat with blue eyes, training to be healer

Caterpillar, a blue shecat with light blue eyes, training to be hunter

Quail, a tabby tomcat with amber eyes, training to be fighter


Battleflame, a orange tabby shecat with dark green eyes (Mother to Dove; a white tomcat with yellow eyes, Goldfish; an orange tabby shecat with light blue eyes; and Grit; a tortoiseshell tomcat with blue eyes)


Citrusmouth, a pale yellow tabby tomcat with amber eyes

Minnow, a tan shecat with amber eyes

Violetfreckle, a pale brown shecat with green eyes and flowers in her tail.


Chief- Foxlight, an orange tabby with yellow eyes

Auxiliary- Jaydrape, a small tabby tomcat with blue eyes

Teller- Fishleap, a bluish tomcat with gray eyes

Herbalist- Gardenvow, a white-pelted shecat with orange eyes and many flowers in her fur


Peneloperise, a cream shecat with blue eyes

Rosethorn, a brown shecat with green eyes

Fernhang, a tabby tomcat with blue eyes

Shimmerbee, a pale yellow tomcat with a white underbelly and amber eyes


Yarrowsteal, a gray tomcat with white patches and yellow eyes

Leapingwillow, a gray tabby shecat with blue eyes

Riverdance, a blue tomcat with sky-blue eyes

Daisydig, a dusty brown tomcat with light gray eyes


Bumble, a cream tomcat with green eyes, training to be a fighter

Hornet, a pale yellow shecat with amber eyes, training to be a hunter


Poseyfield, a brown flecked shecat with yellow eyes (Mother to Smoke; a gray shecat with green eyes, and Pool; a brown shecat with blue eyes.)


Woolydawn, a tuxedo shecat with blue eyes


Chief- Northpeak, a dark brown tabby tomcat with green eyes

Auxiliary- Mudstamp, a brown tomcat with green eyes

Teller- Lightbreeze, a dark gray shecat with blue eyes

Herbalist- Mistycloud, a white tomcat with orange eyes


Eagleperch, a tabby shecat with white eyes (blind)

Scavangesnipe, a dark blue tomcat with gray eyes

Grassgraze, a black shecat with yellow eyes


Jaggedtwist, a black tomcat with green eyes

Badgersway, a black and white shecat with green eyes

Gentleslope, a dark blue shecat with blue eyes


Drizzle, a blue tomcat with blue eyes, training to be fighter

Wildfire, an orange tabby shecat with yellow eyes, training to be a hunter.


Cherrystem, a brown shecat with white paws and emerald green eyes

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