room 203

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branch's pov:

it was still late at night. i just couldn't seem to fall asleep.. all i could think about was floyd.

i really hoped he was alright. he has seriously been through a lot. that whole velvet and veneer thing was already bad enough.

that's it. i've got to get out of here.

i pushed myself out of bed; stretching as i got up.

i wonder if clay could sleep. probably not.

i continued to the door of my room and opened it up so i could peek through the hallways.

nobody was there, as expected.

soon i was at the elevator and ascending out and into the open world.

that's when i realized that i had no idea what time it is. it could be the middle of the afternoon for all i knew!!

but when i got up i realized it was probably early in the morning. the sun just started to rise.

i breathed in the cool morning air; even smiling because i felt so relaxed.

but then i thought of floyd, and jules, and everything..

and i didn't feel so calm anymore.

so i began walking over to troll village to get my mind off of things.

a good walk in the morning always feels good.

i continued my walk towards troll village.

i knew where i wanted to go. i wanted to go to the hospital to visit floyd. i needed to talk to him; even if he couldn't hear me.

20 minutes later.

i was now at the reception desk for the hospital.

"hello?" i called out while walking towards her desk.

the old troll smiled at me. "what could i do for you today?"

awh. she was so sweet.

"i'm actually here to visit my brother floyd." i chuckled.

she nodded her head before looking down at her paper. "what's your name honey?"


she used her finger to scan over the list of names before she hit mine.

"he's in room 203. he should be on the second floor.. have a good day!!" she beamed.

i turned around to head to the elevators; fear building up inside me.

why did i come here?? i should just turn around now..

i let out a sigh as i entered the elevator. it's too late now.

the elevator doors closed dramatically. it was empty; unless you count myself. trolls get hurt a bunch. but definitely not like this. the hospital must be pretty empty.

the whole elevator stopped. i thought i was stuck for a second.

"hello?" i called out.

thankfully, after a bit the doors opened up. god they need a new elevator..

i walked quite slowly over to where i knew his room would be. i dragged each and every one of my steps. why did i come here if i didn't want to see him??

i couldn't even explain why i didn't want to see him. i just had this feeling.. not like a lump in my throat. more like a boulder in my throat. it felt like it was dragging me down; sticking me in place.

at least that's how i'd described it.

finally, i was in front of the room.

room 203.

i examined the doorknob closely in an attempt to pass time. if i wanted to turn back; now would be my last chance.

but i didn't turn back.

i twisted the doorknob; and swung the door open.

clay was laying on an uncomfortable looking bed. his eyes were closed; and there was this little machine on the side.




my only wish is that it would never stop beeping.

john dory was asleep on a chair beside the bed. he snored quite loudly..

there was a box of chocolates besides the bed, along with a picture of all of us together. that actually made me smile.

now i was kneeling down besides floyd; looking into his pale, pale face.

he had red bandages covering his neck. holy shit that was a lot of blood.

there were all sorts of tubes and stuff coming out his body.

and it was all jules fault!!

i would make sure to watch her in the electric chair.

i had to stop getting of topic.

i do that a lot.

i came here to talk to floyd. and so that's what i'll do.

i took a breath in to prepare myself.

"floyd.." i began.

"floyd i'm so sorry. this is all my fault. i should have never allowed jules into our home. i should have sacrificed myself while i had the chance.." i stopped because tears were already beginning to stream down my face.

"clay blames himself.. but he really shouldn't!! i wish you were here b-big bro. you always know how to keep us calm.. and...." i wiped the tears from my face.

"and i just want you to know that i love you. please don't die on us." i finished.

i hadn't even realized that i had been squeezing his hand the whole time.

i let go quickly.

"awhhh." john dory yawned.

i jumped up.

"y-you're awake??" i groaned.

"ever since you walked into the room." he chuckled.

i looked down and scratched my neck out of embarrassment.

john's face softened. "he'll be alright bitty b."

he opened his arms out in an attempt to hug me.

"i hope so." i sighed; hugging john dory back.

this was nice.






thats the end of this chapter!!

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