what now?

587 14 10

branch's pov:

we were back from the psychiatrist already, all sat on the couch. john was reading the label on my pills.

"..twice a day.." he mumbled, squinting his eyes.

his eyesight has just gotten worse with his old age. he seriously needs some glasses, but he refuses every time anyone mentions it.

"no way am i taking that stuff twice a day." i crossed my arms grumpily.

john shacked the bottle, taking out a pill. "might as well start now bitty b."

i opened my mouth to complain, but shut it after a bit. that's all i've been doing for the past month or two. complaining. it's always good to end a bad habit.

hesitantly, i took the pill and swallowed it whole.

"happy?" i growled.

john nodded his head, smiling slightly. "happy."

i got off the couch, causing everyone to jump.

"where do you think your going?" clay asked, getting up himself.

i rolled my eyes, annoyedly. "...getting coffee?.."

"oh.." clay sat back down, along with everyone else.

damn it. now their all up in my business. trust is hard to gain. that's going to take forever.. i wish this stupid bi polar disorder would just vanish.

"on second thought i'll just be heading to my room.." i muttered, wandering away.

"leave the door open." bruce growled firmly.

i rolled my eyes once more before disappearing around the corner. i lingered out of sight for a while, attempting to hear what they would say.

i heard a bunch of whispers, so i took a step closer.

"you should give those pills to branch. i know he'll take them when he needs to." floyd whispered quite confidently.

"hah! no way. we can't trust him like this!" john argued.

my fists clenched angrily.

"why not, john? i trust him." floyd half whispered half shouted back.

"you know what he's done before, floyd." john dory growled.

clay interrupted. "keep your voices down!!"

their voices dropped so i was unsure what else they'd said. after waiting a while to see if i could hear anything else, i sighed in defeat and wandered to my room. i stood at the doorway for a bit before finally walking inside, plopping myself down on the bed.

this time not many bad thoughts popped in my head. no thoughts popped into my head, actually.

i wasn't angry. i wasn't sad. after that whole overheard conversation i quite literally felt.. nothing.

there could only be one culprit...:

the pills.


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