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branch's pov:

now that i was sat in the waiting room, everything seemed really.. scary? terrifying? forget it. i thought i could handle this. i guess i was wrong.

but i couldn't disappoint poppy. she was sat next to me in her usual cheery mood. i don't know how she does it! it's truly like magic.

my four brothers were also here with me. john dory still seemed upset because of the incident last night. whatever. he was just going to have to get over it.

then the receptionist called my name. "branch? dr. springfield is waiting for you in room 107."

i got up with my brothers but the receptionist shook her head. "only branch." she stated firmly.

i swallowed hard. i was already scared to do this with them. doing it without them is like.. 10x worse!!

i sighed, stepping away from my family and heading to the designated room.

before i left, i stopped to give poppy a kiss on the cheek. she giggled, her usual adorable overbite smile appearing on her face.

the hallways were a plain white color. but the paintings on the walls gave this place a whole new perspective. some were pictures of families. some were pictures of a beautiful sunny day, or a dark thunderstorm. i don't know how to put this, but seeing the real world like that comforted me a little. only a little.

finally, i was at room 107. i read the number like 20 times over before finally finding the courage to open up the door. i was greeted by a middle aged female troll with lime green hair.

"you must be branch." she smiled calmingly.

"yeah.." i mumbled, sitting myself across from her.

she pulled out a clipboard, reading through it thoroughly.

"hmm. says here your in here for self harm and hallucinations. your fami-" i stopped her right there.

"i wasn't hallucinating." i growled.

"sure, sure. anyways, your family says you may have bi polar? do you have any idea why?" she didn't look like she believed me at all.

i hated this troll already.

i crossed my arms grumpily. "no. if anything.. my family is crazy! not me. i know what i saw. if you went through what i-"

she stopped me there, coughing loudly. "ahem. i'm going to be asking you a few questions. is that okay?"

i rolled my eyes. "yeah whatever."

she nodded her head before starting.

"have you had any recent mood swings?"

i was about to answer 'no' but i stopped myself.

i slowly nodded my head. "...yeah actually, i have. i was so sad all of a sudden and i-"

she started scribbling in her note pad. "mhm. feelings of hopelessness? sudden urges to harm yourself?"

i just nodded my head, which she followed with more scribbling.

"how severe would you say your symptoms are on a scale of one to ten?"

"7.. 8?? look i don't know how this is going to help me-"

she continued scribbling in her notepad.

"any.. manic episodes?" she asked tilting her head to the side.

i scoffed. "am i supposed to know what that means?"

"i'll try and put it simply. any sudden mood swings where you begin doing something.. drastic? hallucinations? a sudden ur-"

i stopped her there, rolling my eyes stubbornly. "yeah i guess. but it wasn't bad or anything.."

she scribbled down in her notepad once more.

she assessed all the data gathered before turning her head back to me. "i believe you may have bipolar two."

my eyes widened a bit. but not much, i mean, what did i expect?

"what's the difference?.. you know, between bi polar one and two?" i asked hesitantly.

"well, bi polar one patients have a longer more drastic manic state. however, the opposite is said for bi polar two. unfortunately, bi polar two is harder to maintain."

"so.. what do i have to do to 'maintain' it?" i sighed, knowing what she was going to say.

"pills. i'll prescribe them to you now.." she started scribbling again.

"is there any other way??" i groaned.

she shook her head. "thanks for your cooperation, branch. i'll be speaking to your family now."

i swallowed. "do you have to?? i mean.."

i trailed off as she walked through the door.

i stumbled after her but it was too late, she was already talking to them.

they didn't seem surprised. not at all. i guess that's why they sent me here, after all. but they should've expected at least a little bit more from me.

once she was done, she turned back to talk to me once more. "the receptionist will have your meds ready soon."

before i could answer, she wandered away.

wow this lady was mysterious.

then i turned back to my family, who were waiting there for me.

poppy was the only one who seemed even a little shocked.

"told you." floyd giggled.

i rolled my eyes. "yeah, yeah whatever."

i slumped down into a seat. i was literally trying so hard to not make any eye contact. this was so awkward. i mean, what was i supposed to say? 'you were right guys! i'm crazy'??

then the receptionist called my name. "for branch." she said holding the pills in front of her.

i moved to go grab them but john raced to snatch them first.

"no way bitty b." he chuckled, stuffing them into his pocket.

"their my pills." i growled.

before a scene could be started, poppy took my hand, leading me and my brothers out of this place.

"you happy??" i mumbled sarcastically.

poppy nodded her head energetically. "yeah, i am. now i know how to help you!"

i couldn't help but smile, pulling her in for a hug.

"i love you poppy."

"i love you too branch."

thats the end!!! sorry, most of my posts are going to start being late like this.

branch angstOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora